200 euros of exceptional aid, will you receive them in December?

12million French households will receive an exceptional energy check of between 100 and 200 euros to cope with the sharp rise in electricity and gas prices expected in 2023. Will you be able to benefit from this exceptional aid?

Of the exceptional energy checks will be paid in December to 12 million French households to cope with rising energy prices. Indeed, from January, the regulated gas tariff will increase by 15%. That of electricity will follow the same path from the month of February. This energy check will be between 100 eurosfor a couple of two children with 3000euros of net income, for example, and 200 eurosfor a single mother with two children and earning the minimum wage.

In detail, the energy check of 200 euros will be intended for the 20% of the poorest households, while households in deciles 3 and 4, located between the poorest 20% and the wealthiest 60%, will receive 100 euros.

Valid for one year like the traditional energy check, with which it can be combined, this exceptional check is received without any formalities and can be used to pay for energy expenses (electricity, natural gas, heat, liquefied petroleum gas, heating oil, wood, biomass, or other fuels intended for heating or the production of hot water) related to housing. It can also be used for energy renovation work. However, you cannot use it to pay for fuel.

Should the check amount be increased?

This gesture is insufficient according to the consumer defense association CLCV, which proposes to triple energy aid in 2023 to bring it to around 600 euros against just under 500 euros today. For its part, the Abb Pierre Foundation is asking for 800 euros for the most modest households. If you have 5,000 euros, 15% is absorbable, even if it’s been a lot. For the poorest households, +15% [la hausse prvue en 2023, NDLR]it will not pass, underlined the general manager Christophe Robert.

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In 2022, the traditional energy check, worth 48,277 euros, benefited 5.8 million households. The government had already sent them a first exceptional check of 100 euros in December 2021 to cope with soaring energy prices. This year, the number of households targeted has therefore been doubled!

In January, the increase in the bill will be around 25 euros per month for households that heat with gas and 20 euros for those that heat with electricity.

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