2022: 5 essential resolutions for the new tech year that you must keep

The idea of ​​”resolutions” usually disappears from most people’s vocabulary around mid-January. But I’ve put together a list of the best tech resolutions we all should be considering for 2022.

1: Stop reusing passwords

You know it’s stupid, but there are still too many of us doing it. It’s just convenient, isn’t it? But it is stupid. It is particularly stupid to consider reusing a password for your password manager.

But I know people who do that too.


Buy a good password manager and use it.

2: Don’t be tied to just one browser

I can’t count the number of people who aren’t happy with their current browser – almost always Google Chrome – and want to “improve” it. But who are horrified by the suggestion to use another browser.

There are many browsers. They are free. I have found time and time again in my testing that the best browser for a platform is the one that comes bundled with that platform.

If you get caught up in the cult of a single browser, you will always be subject to its whims. It also makes you more flexible, allowing you to switch between devices and platforms with ease.

3: Patch quickly

Zero-day vulnerabilities are ubiquitous, and patches address so many vulnerabilities that even waiting a few hours becomes risky.

Apply the fixes as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the greater the risk. I know patches can bring new headaches, but these are pretty slim compared to the headaches a security breach will give you.

4: have a backup

Hardly a week goes by that I hear from someone or a company that has lost data without taking a backup.

Yes, it is 2022, and if we go by the year 2021, there are people and businesses that are still operating hoping that they will not lose data.

If you are one of them, know that the odds are slim, and know that you are playing with fire.

5: Let go of sectarian thinking

Windows is the best. Mac is the best. Android is better than this, iOS is better than this. Linux dominates them all.

Stop thinking like that.

Use what works for you but be open-minded. Technology is changing rapidly and it is important for those who work in this field to know what is going on.

Just like not being tied to a single browser, being flexible with platforms also makes you more flexible, allowing you to switch between devices and platforms with ease.

Source: “ZDNet.com”

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