2022 begins with a controversy over the European flag deployed under the Arc de Triomphe

The French Presidency of the European Union 2022case

To mark the start of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU (“PFUE”), the star flag replaced the tricolor for a few days. A symbol vilified by the right and the far right.

This is the first political controversy fueled by the right and the far right on the eve of this presidential year. In question, the immense European flag deployed under the Arc de Triomphe on Friday, to symbolically mark the entry into the French presidency of the European Union.

“The French flag will obviously be reinstalled”, was annoyed on Saturday Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune in front of the multiplication of cries of orchard caused by the operation. “It is a symbolic and temporary initiative, which accompanies January 1 and the start of the PFUE, he insisted.

To mark the start of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU (“PFUE”) on January 1 for six months, the Eiffel Tower was also illuminated in blue, the color of Europe. Dozens of monuments will also be displayed throughout France during the first week of January.

“It is absurd to see the right mixing everything up and running desperately after the sterile controversies of the far right», Adds Clément Beaune, referring in particular to Valérie Pécresse.

Marine Le Pen said to herself “Outraged that the French flag has been replaced by that of the European Union under the Arc de Triomphe, above the tomb of the unknown soldier”, denouncing a “provocation”. The other far-right presidential candidate, Eric Zemmour, also spoke on his side of a “Contempt”.

“To preside over Europe yes, to erase the French identity no”, launched for her part the candidate of the Republicans Valérie Pécresse who asked “Solemnly” Emmanuel Macron to restore the tricolor next to that of Europe.

In charge of digital communication for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Antoine Léaument was also indignant at the change of flag.

Spokesman for Stéphane Séjourné, president of the group of Macronist deputies in the European Parliament, Antoine Guéry is one of the many personalities who have defended the symbol in the face of criticism, just like the president of the AP-HP Martin Hirsch.

“The device (at the Arc de Triomphe) was set up for a few days, with the illuminations”, underlines Clément Beaune, recalling in passing that the last rotating French presidency of the EU, under Nicolas Sarkozy, in 2008 had also opted for these illuminations.

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