2024 Olympics: to facilitate travel, Paris has set up a real-time transport coordination center

Martin Lange // Photo credit: CHRISTOPHE ARCHAMBAULT / AFP
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2:35 p.m., June 23, 2024

With more than 10 million visitors expected in the capital during the Olympics. The slightest metro or RER breakdown could turn into a nightmare. So, to avoid hassle, TROC, a real-time transport coordination center, was launched.

The calm before the storm. In a little over a month, 35 of them will be mobilized night and day in this TROC. Agents from the organizing committee of course, but also from the police headquarters, the SNCF and even the RATP. With one objective: to simplify the lives of all users.

“If there are transport incidents, we will be able to inform all of our customers in real time of the best solution for them, so that they can do their work, go and enjoy the show or simply win their Olympic medal”, explains Pierre Cunéo, Director of Transport for Paris 2024.

Valuable help

The TROC is a huge room lined with screens. For now, they remain on standby, but from July 10, they will be of great help. “We will see the location of our buses and therefore we will be able to identify what we call pinches, that is to say areas where things slow down. And in connection with the police headquarters which will be present here , to be able to mobilize forces to get them out of a traffic jam and if it is an athlete to be able to be sure that he is on time at his competition site”, explains the director of transport for the athletes. OJ.

Public transport users, in particular the 10 million spectators expected this summer. All information collected by TROC will be available on the Transport public Paris 2020 application.

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