3 common lipstick mistakes that make you look older than you are

Make up
3 common lipstick mistakes that make us look older than we are

Applying lipstick isn’t really an art, but there are still a few things that can go wrong.


Makeup is a great way to emphasize our assets. But if you’re not careful, you can quickly and unintentionally cheat yourself a few years older.

For many women, lipstick has a permanent place in the make-up bag. No wonder, since it provides sex appeal, pimps our outfit and provides a true self-confidence boost. After all, Coco Chanel already knew:

If you’re sad, put on more lipstick and attack!

But although you can do some things right with a lipstick, we still make these three common mistakes when applying it that make us older than we actually are. You can find out what errors these are in the video.

Source used: bhg.com


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