3 methods to save space in your suitcase

Do you also have to sit on your suitcase to close it because it overflows? That's good, we have found three methods to save space! The secret ? Store your clothes optimally.

Video by Loïcia Fouillen

It's the same every summer, you take so many things that you can no longer close your suitcase. Between shoes, cosmetics and clothing, it fills up so quickly that you are sometimes forced to take off a jacket or a pair of sandals so that everything can come in without overflowing. But this year, it will no longer be a problem! We have found three methods that could not be more effective for storing your belongings in an optimal way and thus optimizing the maximum space in your suitcase.

1 – The "ranger packing" method

No more folding, we move on to rolling! Jeans, t-shirts, dresses, skirts … We now prefer to roll up our clothes to save as much space as possible in our suitcase. In addition to being effective, the "ranger packing" method is much faster than the conventional method of folding. It will therefore be perfect for those who have to prepare their suitcase at the last minute! And good news: if you take care to roll up your clothes, they will not be wrinkled when you take them out. Rolled up and tidy clothes? We say yes!

2 – The Marie Kondo method

Known worldwide, the KonMari method is ideal for those looking to save precious inches in their summer suitcase! As Marie Kondo advises, we opt for vertical folding. A technique that allows you to have an overview of all of your clothes and that also avoids wrinkled clothes. "Wrinkles are created by the pressure exerted on the clothes. By storing your clothes vertically, they are not crushed and the folds do not mark.", she explains in her bestseller The magic of storage.

3 – The "bundle packing" method

The "bundle packing", also called "bundle wrap", is certainly the method that will save you the most space in your suitcase! No need to roll each item of clothing individually, this technique consists of placing all of your clothes in the suitcase by placing them head to tail over each other before folding all the ends to form a nice little package. Its small drawback: each time you have to unfold all your clothes to find one in particular. On the other hand, it will be very appreciated by those who wish to pack their bags quickly and without fuss

See also: Here's how to store all your wardrobe in a suitcase

by Helena Ergisi