3 signs that prove your skin is starting to age


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Are you having trouble knowing where you are and if your face is starting to betray your age? Some cutaneous signals are not misleading. Here are 3 that leave no room for doubt.

The youthful skin is not just a story of age. Impacted by our lifestyle, our skin evolves differently depending on the person, according to habits life which can accelerate its aging (smoking, excessive sun, alcohol consumption or more or less polluted environment which subject it to the attack of many free radicals), but also skin care throughout life (sufficient daily hydration or not, beauty routine adapted or not to skin type and age).

If it starts from the age of 25 approximately, skin aging is not always visible to the naked eye. Proof of this is that our skin remains smooth and plump at this age and it is imperceptible. Contrary to what one might think, it’s not just the first wrinkles that announce it, nor those that settle on our face that warn us that our skin is aging. A drier skin, a complexion that loses its shine or one face whose volumes change are unmistakable signals: your skin is starting to age.

Your skin looks drier than before

Your skin feels tight, you find it less comfortable lately and it doesn’t get better even when you reapply your moisturizer to your face more often? Do you have dehydration lines? When the skin ages, its natural protective barrier – its hydrolipidic film – is less effective than before. Consequences: the skin does not retain hydration within the skin. This is why, despite daily care, the skin dries out.

Your complexion is less luminous

The gray mine settles on your face? Your complexion is more and more blurred with the lack of sleep and your skin does not recover well? You find it difficult to display a pretty glow ? No doubt, it is the fault of the aging of your skin whose natural mechanisms are less effective than before. It renews itself less well and therefore produces less lipids which usually ensure radiant skin and an even complexion that captures light well.

Your face is less firm

Are your eyelids getting droopy? Are your cheekbones less prominent? The oval of your face is more blurred? So many signs of the loss of firmness of the skin. When it ages, it produces less collagen and elastin which ensures its density, its rebound and the tone of the whole face.

Lifting: stop the signs of aging

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and pro tips…

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