3 tips to enhance your eyes after 50


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After 50, we are often advised to wear makeup differently and change some habits. 3 beauty tips to know for perfect eye makeup when you are in your fifties.

For a successful and complete make-up, there are 3 steps not to be missed. First, the complexion. After 50 years, it is recommended to lighten up your beauty with lighter, less covering and sufficiently moisturizing foundations. A few days ago, we took stock: Foundation after 50: stop or still? An article in which you will find a selection of our favorite foundations to try after 50 years. To give you a healthy glow, also consider bronzer and blush.

Don’t neglect the step of the mouth. For plumper and smoother lips, remember to moisturize them throughout the day, but also in the evening with highly nourishing treatments. We are thinking in particular of Laneige’s night lip mask. Iris Mittenaere’s beauty secret for perfect lips, it is the magic product to try at any age for a very soft mouth! Finally, the last very important step: eyes ! And for makeup that will perfectly highlight your eyes, here are our 3 best tips:

1. Neutral colors

With the current offer and the dozens of new eye palettes coming out every month, it is true that we would be tempted to try a lot of shadow colors to dress our eyelids. However, after 50 years, we are advised to keep in mind: “less is more”. So bet on neutral tones with a matte finish, as recommended by Patrick Lorentz, make-up art Estée Lauder, with champagne, beige or taupe. However, brighter colors are not prohibited. “ Make-up should still be fun! We can find compromises by focusing more on a gray blue than on a bright blue, for example”.

2. A good mascara

Time passes, and our eyelashes become thinner and fewer. It is therefore essential to choose the right mascara. Sofia Tilbury, official makeup artist and Charlotte Tilbury ambassador, advises us to choose a product that looks good lengthen eyelashes to bring a real lifting effect to the whole face. “I particularly recommend Charlotte Tilbury’s Pillow Talk Push up Lashes mascara which, like a push-up bra that enhances the chest, will really enhance and redefine the look”.

3. A lightweight concealer

Just as we suggested that you use a light foundation instead, also opt for a concealer with little coverage and moisturizing. The goal is to bring a touch of light under the eyes to awaken the look and hide dark circles… naturally! If your concealer is too thick, it will unfortunately not have the desired effect and will weigh your eyes down.

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