31 billion euros: renewable energies, jackpot for the State

The onshore wind sector is by far the one that brings in the most money for the State budget, with revenue of 21.7 billion euros in 2022 and 2023.

A strong argument in favor of renewable energies. The sectors should bring the State no less than 30.9 billion euros in 2022 and 2023, under the effect of soaring wholesale energy prices, estimated on Tuesday the Regulatory Commission of the energy (CRE). That is more than three times more than the previous estimate of the energy policeman (8.6 billion euros).

Wholesale electricity prices have become on average higher than the tariffs guaranteed by the State in the renewable energy support contracts», Specifies the CRE to explain this surplus of revenue for the State budget. The principle of these contracts is simple. Renewable energy producers sell their kilowatt hours on the wholesale market. When the market price is lower than the tariff guaranteed by the State, the latter pays the difference. Conversely, when the market price is higher than the guaranteed price, the producer reimburses the State for the difference. This has been happening since the start of the spike in electricity prices in September 2021.

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Assistance in financing the tariff shield

In detail, it is the onshore wind sector that contributes the most to these additional revenues, to the tune of 21.7 billion euros. Far ahead of the photovoltaic sector (3.5 billion) and the hydraulic sector (1.7 billion). The injected biomethane sector contributes for its part to the tune of 900 million euros.

CRE emphasizes that this jackpot “will contribute to financing, at least in part, the exceptional expenses related to the consumer protection measures announced by the government“, in particular the extension in 2023 of the tariff shield for households and VSEs, and support measures for businesses and communities.

If the sum is substantial, CRE notes that it could have been much higher. It warns indeed onthe phenomenon of early termination of support contracts by some renewable energy producers“. The explosion of prices on the markets in fact encourages certain producers to break their contracts with the State to sell their energy directly on the market. “This represents a considerable loss for the State budget, of the order of 6 to 7 billion euros cumulatively for the years 2022 and 2023.“, assesses the CRE.

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