3D printer Bresser T-Rex in the Aldi offer: Don’t worry, he just wants to print

Buy a 3D printer from a discount store

Don’t have a 3D printer yet? Aldi offers current and still until February 19, 2022 the 3D printer Bresser T-Rex with twin extruder for 649 euros in its online shop. And it works quickly: after 4 days the device should be on your mat. So that you can get started right away, you will also receive a white and a black filament spool of one kilogram each.

In view of the recommended retail price of almost 800 euros, the offer is quite impressive, but it can be even cheaper: Otto has the same package of 3D printer and filament for only 635.90 euros including shipping. The delivery time is given as two to three working days.

If you still want to find out more about alternatives before you buy: We carried out a major 3D printer test – you can find the best devices in our CHIP list of the best.

In the following we will show you a not quite as expensive, but beginner-friendly alternative from Anycubic.

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