4.3 million customers after the ING gateway

About 315,000 ING customers out of the 500,000 eligible: this is the conquest achieved by Boursorama after having entered into a partnership – a facilitated transfer gateway – with ING which ended its retail banking activity in France. An operation that allows it to establish a little more its leading position in online banking in France.

Finalized migration of ING customers to Boursorama: this mention as a closed chapter can be read in the quarterly financial report of the parent company, Société Générale, of the results as of September 30, 2022. This mention is accompanied by the following clarification: migration rate of about two-thirds ex-clients able to join the ranks of Boursorama. This confirms the information communicated jointly by ING and Boursorama at the end of September: The offer to open an account with Boursorama Banque was offered from April 11, 2022 to more than 500,000 customers, with a facilitated gateway offer running until April 30 september. Among them, 100,000 customers closed their ING account by their own means, therefore without using this gateway, and others with a specific offer were treated separately according to ING.

End of ING in France: 315,000 customers are now at Boursorama Banque

A gateway that has worked especially for life insurance policyholders

Specifically, according to the quarterly balance sheet of the red and black bank: the customer acquisition rate stands at 63%, i.e. approximately 315,000 ING customers out of the 500,000 eligible. These new Boursorama customers are mainly made up of high net worth customers: the outstandings collected amount to around €8.5 billion and are mainly made up of life insurance outstandings.

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Boursorama Banque is thus consolidating its position as the leader in online banking in France. The sign thus reaches more than 4.3million customers at the end of September 2022with 365,000 new customers in the 3rd quarter of 2022. Savings deposits and money managed in financial savings were up 32% compared to the 3rd quarter of 2021 at 46 billion euros, outstanding consumer loans were up 28%, and those 20% home loans.

The Boursorama Banque account in detail

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