4 clear warning signs of love burnout

Relationship in danger
4 clear warning signs of love burnout

Burnout in the relationship? This is not uncommon!


The term burnout is actually known from the professional world. In fact, it is not just work but also relationship that can cause one to suffer mentally. You can find out in the video how you can recognize the signs of a “love burnout”.

Burned out, empty, exhausted: Not only our working life can rob us of a lot of strength and energy, a partnership can also change over time in such a way that it becomes a real energy thief.

Love burnout: is the relationship about to end?

But although the signs of this are clear, they are often suppressed for a long time and we hold onto a partnership that is no longer good for us. You can find out in the video which signals can mean that your relationship has been burning you out for some time.

Source used: bustle.com


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