4 effective jump rope exercises to lose weight

We thought it was reserved for children, the jump rope is actually the slimming ally of athletes. Inexpensive, compact and easy to practice, we tell you why you absolutely have to get started!

Why get on the jump rope?

As effective as running, the jump rope is a great tool for burning maximum calories in minimum time, while having fun. Regularly used during boxing training, it solicits all the muscles and thus offers a complete workout which makes it a perfect slimming ally. Ideal for firming up, toning your body and fighting cellulite, the skipping rope is today one of the best exercises to practice to lose weight and refine your silhouette. In addition, the jumps are super stimulating for the heart and the joints. In short, you will understand: she is waiting for you!

The benefits of skipping rope

  • It increases cardiovascular endurance.
  • It improves the tone of the heart and blood vessels.
  • It allows you to maximize your calorie expenditure.
  • It fights against cellulite by moving the tissues.
  • It tones the body harmoniously and globally.
  • It improves muscle relaxation thanks to plyometric work.
  • It improves the balance and the quality of our supports.
  • It helps develop neuromuscular coordination.
  • It strengthens the abdominal strap and lumbar muscles.

Jump rope: the good practice to follow

The jump rope is a great idea if you want to lose weight and tone your body, but you still need to make sure you do it in the right conditions. Before you start, always ask your doctor for advice. Once you have its validation, we advise you to start gradually by favoring regularity over quantity.

Like any other sport, it is very important to warm up before your session! This could include walking, doing jumping jacks, or even slow-tempo skipping for at least 5 minutes. Finally, equip yourself well by choosing the right equipment. A skipping rope suitable for sports practice, a pair of resistant sneakers with a cushioning sole, as well as a comfortable sports outfit, offering good support.

The most effective jump rope exercises

Jumping with both feet is the most classic and the easiest exercise. Simply pass the rope under your feet with each jump. To perform this exercise well, keep your back straight and tuck your stomach in while contracting your abs. Be careful to absorb shocks with your toes to avoid hurting your back.

  • Alternate foot jumping

Another classic exercise for athletes who practice skipping rope: jumping with alternate feet. Unlike the jump with both feet, this time you must jump one foot at a time. Remember to change the support foot to work your two legs in a balanced way.

When you are well warmed up and comfortable, increase the difficulty a little by performing knee climbs. This exercise will put more strain on your abdominals than the previous ones and will allow you to burn as many calories as possible. To do this, perform the jump with both feet, this time bringing your knees upwards when you jump.

A little more complicated than the previous exercises, the single foot jump is perfect for finishing off your workout. Very cardio, this exercise aims to use all the muscles of the leg. To achieve this, just jump on one leg, as if you were hopping on one foot.

> Editorial advice
To benefit from optimal energy expenditure, skipping rope for hours is not necessary. It is best to practice HIIT-type training, which alternates between short phases of high-intensity exertion and short periods of recovery. Example: perform jumps for 4 minutes alternating 20 seconds of skipping + 10 seconds of recovery. Repeat the cycle 8 times.

How to choose the right skipping rope?

  • The classic jump rope

Have you just started jumping rope? No need to invest in a professional jump rope, in other words overpriced. The most basic of skipping ropes will do just fine, whatever your level!
Standard jump rope, € 9.49 at Amazon

  • The adjustable jump rope

If you are looking for a more quality model, the adjustable jump rope is perfect for training in the best conditions. Ergonomic handles, ball bearings and steel cable for a top workout!
Adjustable jump rope, € 8.99 at Amazon

  • Skipping rope with counter

The most connected among us will love the skipping rope with counter! It incorporates a jump counter in its handles, which also records the number of calories burned. What more ?
Jump rope with counter, € 16.99 at Amazon

  • The jump rope with integrated weights

To further develop the musculature of your arms and shoulders, the jump rope with integrated weights – also called a speed rope – is the one for you. Generally used for crossfit, this one will be perfect for you to overtake during your workouts at home!
Jump rope with integrated weights, € 33.99 at Amazon

See also: 6 fitness exercises that really work to strengthen your abs

Video by Juliette Le Peillet