4 Funny Romance Novels That Will Touch You Much Deeper Than You Expected

Rom-Com Reading Tips
4 Funny Romance Novels That Will Touch You Much Deeper Than You Expected

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Do you think romantic comedies are superficial and don’t explore deeper themes? Then these four books will convince you otherwise!

Sometimes we just need something light, a bit of escapism to switch off from everyday life. But just because a book is easy to read doesn’t necessarily mean it can’t touch us deeply. Fortunately, there are some writers who really know how to write a smart romantic comedy that doesn’t shy away from difficult topics and really gets to our hearts.

These 4 romantic comedies in book form will touch you deeper than you thought

1. “Just One More Time” by Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover is particularly celebrated on Bookstagram and other social media. Because CoHo, as she is affectionately called by her fans, has a great talent for wrapping serious topics in really good stories that are still easy to read. Probably the best-known novel by the US author is “Just One More Time”. The emotional story is anything but a typical love story. It’s about domestic violence, a topic that Colleen Hoover has experienced herself. That’s probably why she manages to tell the story so relentlessly honestly and at the same time exciting. It’s about Lily, who meets the mysterious Ryle and falls in love with him. At first the relationship between the two seems almost perfect, but after a while Ryle shows a different side of himself. And that presents Lily with a difficult decision.

2. “In Love with Your Most Beautiful Sides” by Emily Henry

At first glance it is “In love with your most beautiful sides” from Emily Henry a romantic comedy with a typical enemies to lovers storyline. It’s about the author January and her old college rival Gus, who also writes novels. The two meet again by chance, get to know each other anew – and fall in love. And yes, the book is light and easy to read and really fun. But at the same time, Emily Henry manages to weave more serious themes like grief and the pressure of being a writer into the story in such a way that it still reads like the perfect beach read. .

3. “A Godsend” by Liane Moriarty

Liane Moriarty is the queen of deep women’s romance. The Australian author writes classic “Chick-Lit” that never stays superficial. Among her best books “A Godsend”. The protagonist Sophie receives an unexpected inheritance from the aunt of her ex-boyfriend Thomas. This brings with it some inconveniences, but also new opportunities. The clever story is incredibly complex, in addition to Sophie’s storyline, we as readers gradually learn everything about the well-kept family secret of Thomas’ aunts Connie and Rose in leaps in time. Liane Moriarty always succeeds in writing light and really touching novels that do not shy away from difficult topics with a lot of humor.

4. “The Theoretical Improbability of Love” by Ali Hazelwood

“The Theoretical Improbability of Love” by Ali Hazelwood is a classic enemies-to-lovers love story—on the one hand. On the other hand, the social media hit has a lot more to offer, especially insights into (probably for many readers) a completely foreign world. The protagonist Olive is a biology PhD student at the elite Stanford University in California. Through a chain of unfortunate circumstances, she ends up in a kind of fake relationship with Adam, the unpopular professor, who is unfriendly to almost everyone. As expected, the two don’t find each other so bad after a short time. What sounds like a very typical romantic comedy convinces above all with clever dialogues, clever twists and the special setting in the academic field.

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