4 Healthy Habits Women Still Get Judged For

These 4 Things Women Are Judged For Are Actually Healthy

© (JLco) Julia Amaral / Adobe Stock

Our society has always applied double standards when it comes to the behavior of women and men. What seems normal to men is quickly called “crazy” to women. Most of the behaviors we condemn in this way are completely normal – and healthy.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, hysteria was one of the most commonly diagnosed “diseases” among women. A woman wanted to read and write? Hysterical! She had her own opinion? So hysterical! She suffered from depression? Hysterical anyway! As a “treatment”, such women were usually practically tied to bed by their doctors and husbands so that they no longer posed a danger to themselves and those around them.

Fortunately, the diagnosis of hysteria has no longer been medically recognized. However, the basic idea that behavior that society, especially men, does not approve of women is labeled as hysterical and crazy still exists today.

4 actually healthy habits that women are still judged for

1. Living alone + having cats

The woman lives without a partner, but with cats? Definitely: Crazy Cat Lady! But maybe she simply feels more comfortable being single and likes cats – what exactly is wrong with that? The social order stipulates that women should want a husband and children – any model of life that deviates from this threatens this order and is therefore condemned. The healthiest choice each person can make is to live exactly how it feels right for them. And it is now also clear that living with cats is good for your health sufficiently proven.

2. Feel like having sex

A man has a lot of desire for sex? That’s completely normal and natural, he’s “just a man.” However, if women dare to communicate that they enjoy sex and, God forbid, maybe even with different partners, of course they are sluts. Wanting to have sex is completely natural, just like not wanting to have it. Nobody should be judged for how much and what sex they have with whomever.

3. Wanting a solid commitment

There are men who want a committed relationship, and there are those who prefer to go through life alone. Likewise, some women want a partner, while others love to be single. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of the options. What is definitely wrong is that men often label women as “clingy” and “crazy” when, after dating for a while, they would like to know whether it will turn into a serious relationship. If you honestly communicate what you want from the outset, you don’t run the risk of being “pressured” by a “crazy” woman who wants an exclusive partnership.

4. Social media “stalking”

In an ideal world, we would all trust each other and no one would have had a bad experience. Unfortunately, we don’t live in that world, and many people have often been disappointed and hurt while dating and in relationships. That’s why when we do a little research on our new potential partner, a natural reaction is to, for example, look at his Instagram profile and see how he presents himself to the world. Of course, the whole thing can quickly go one step too far if someone creates fake profiles to “test” the person. But taking a look at someone’s online presence before a date to get a first impression of them is perfectly healthy – and definitely not stalking.

Just as hysteria is thankfully no longer used as a blanket answer to everything that (male-dominated) society doesn’t like about women, other perspectives are of course changing too. The condemnation of women and minorities is decreasing, and tolerance for alternative ways of life is increasing. Fortunately, we are on the right track – but still far from where we should be as a society.

Sources used: medicalnewstoday, yourtango.com, psychologytoday.com


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