4 in 10 men would be ready to take the pill


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According to an Opinion Way survey for 20 Minutes, 37% of men say they are ready to take the pill if it is reimbursed.

Towards a more egalitarian distribution of the mental burden? While the Government announced last September that the pill was free for all young women under 25 from January 1, 2022, a recent polltarget = “_ blank”> shows that men would be ready to change their contraceptive habits. Indeed, “8 out of 10 young people consider it normal to share more of the responsibility and the mental burden of contraception”. Supporting evidence with the various figures.

In this study #MoiJeune 20 Minutes-Opinion Way unveiled this Sunday, September 17, 37% of men surveyed, aged 18 to 30, would be in favor of the idea of ​​taking a male contraceptive pill if it were reimbursed. And the side effects, similar to those of the female hormonal pill, are no problem for them. Among the other means of contraception available, 12% of the respondents are ready to test the heated briefs, a thermal method which consists in increasing the temperature of the testes to slow down the production of sperm. Finally, 22% would agree to perform a vasectomy, also called male sterilization. According to the figures of the Health Insurance, this last method is more and more practiced in France. The number of vasectomies would have multiplied by 7 between 2010 and 2020, from 1,908 to 13,120.

Lack of information and awareness

Through this survey, we see that the lack of information is still too present among young men where the condom is still the most preferred method of contraception. 44%, or nearly one in two respondents, say they are well informed on the subject of male contraception. On the other hand, 74% say they are well informed about female contraception. It is clear that the lack of awareness and the deconstruction of stereotypes about the virility of men are still struggling to be put in place.

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