4 intimate things women don’t talk about – but should!

Break taboos
4 things women should talk about more

There are still many taboo subjects – especially when it comes to female sexuality and women’s health.


That’s right: People talk much more openly about female sexuality than our grandmothers back then. But there are still taboo subjects that are not discussed. Stop it!

No matter how open we are with our partners or friends, some issues do not come up on the table. Especially when it comes to intimate “problems”, we prefer to remain silent because we are ashamed.

Intimate shouldn’t mean taboo

There is a simple solution and it is: be open! You can find out in the video which taboo topics we definitely have to get out of the way with the language. Because in the end, it’s about us feeling good. And that only works with the right mix of knowledge, precaution and self-love.
