4 signs that announce the imminent birth of the baby

Towards the end of pregnancy, many expectant mothers get nervous. Is the tightness in the belly already a first contraction? We take stock of the signs that the childbirth is imminent.

After a ninth month of pregnancy, all women look forward to the birth of their babies. But when will he finally show the tip of his nose? And how to distinguish the real ones contractions say “work”, from training contractions ? These are all questions left unanswered that can distress women, especially if it is their first child. So pay attention to the signs. If they do occur, the birth may be imminent:

The belly points down

Lowering the belly is the first sign that childbirth is approaching. For most pregnant women, the abdomen lowers about four weeks before birth. At this point, the baby goes into the birth position and descends head first into the pelvis. The belly becomes hard, the pregnant woman feels a feeling of tightness in the lower back, and a heaviness in the genital area since the cervix supports the head of the newborn.
Of course, not all babies turn around and position upside down, some remain in a seated position in the tummy. Therefore, in some women the belly is not lower. Despite everything, it is a sign to watch out for.

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The loss of the mucous plug

The loss of mucous plug is another much more reliable sign that childbirth is imminent. During pregnancy, it is he who closes the cervix and prevents germs from entering. When the cervix opens and expands, the mucous plug breaks off and comes out as a whitish liquid, a thick clump of mucus, with which blood may get mixed.

The amount of fluid varies from woman to woman, but usually it is an inch thick, it looks like discharge. Also, when the small vessels in the cervix rupture, in some cases it can cause slight bleeding, which is pinkish or brownish in color. This is completely normal.

In most cases, the mucous plug comes off a day or two before birth, but in some women it comes off ten days before and can even be done several times. Since the appearance and size of the mucus plug can vary widely, not all expectant mothers will notice when it comes off.

The rupture of the water pocket

Shortly before labor actually begins, the majority of women experience a breakdown in pocket of waters under the effect of contractions when the cervix is ​​dilated. It is in this pocket, filled with amniotic fluid, that the fetus floats during the nine months of gestation. When it ruptures, the membranes crack and light or straw-colored amniotic fluid comes out in large quantities or partially.

In general, the volume is between 1 and 1.5 liters. It can be overwhelming, but it is also a very sure sign that the birth is about to begin. In most cases, labor begins within hours, if it has not already started.

Note: If the amniotic sac ruptures at the top and the baby is lying upside down in the pelvis, the head is preventing fluid from coming out. Therefore, it flows quite slowly.

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The start of contractions

In the last weeks before childbirth, in the ninth month, many pregnant women have training contractions, also called Braxton Hicks contractions. When they are triggered, with irregular frequency, the abdomen contracts painfully. And often, expectant mothers who are expecting their first child, do not know if they are real contractions. The Braxton Hicks mark the prenatal phase: they signify that labor contractions are coming.

Here are the signs to recognize labor contractions:

  • Real contractions don’t stop when you change positions;
  • True contractions do not subside in hot water;
  • True contractions are stronger and more intense, and the intervals between them are shorter;
  • The pain of labor contractions is not only localized in the lower abdomen, it also affects the back.

The other signs that announce childbirth:

It depends on some women, but sometimes mothers-to-be may have nausea and diarrhea before childbirth. Others also complain of muscle tremors or back pain in the lower back, such as period pain.

Read also : 15 things to know about childbirth

When to go to the hospital to give birth?

It can take many hours between your first labor contractions and the moment you hold your little one in your arms. It is not always necessary to go to the hospital at the first sign of childbirth. On the other hand, you must go to the maternity ward without delay when you lose water, whether you are in labor or not. Because often it follows contractions and dilation of the cervix.
Likewise, if your contractions are five to seven minutes apart and last longer than 20 seconds. The job is well installed when they are spaced only 2 to 3 minutes apart.

Remark : the information contained in this article is given for information only and does not replace the diagnosis of a real healthcare professional. If you have any doubts or urgent questions, contact your doctor.

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