4 ultra-effective exercises to build body muscle

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Easy to perform at home and accessible to beginners, these muscle strengthening exercises target the entire muscle group for an overall toning effect.

To tone the body without fragile joints and ligaments, it should not be too much on the heart but also on the muscular reinforcement. The ideal? Non-impact, multi-articular exercises that tone the muscles and help improve posture. Muscle reinforcement also allows for augmentation (or stabilization) of muscle masswhich naturally tends to occur around the time of menopause.

In his book 50 years and life is beautiful! (Larousse editions), Virginie Florin relies on her experience and expert advice to help women feel better in their skin during the menopause. She particularly enjoys muscle strengthening exercises that are easy to do at home and which, according to her, are the most effective for toner silhouette after 50 years. Discover 4 of these ultra-effective exercises to tone the thighs, waist, abdomen, back of the arms and shoulders.

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4 muscle strengthening exercises to tone your body after 50 years

The squats

  • Begin by spreading your feet out over the width of your shoulders, the points slightly turned towards the outside.
  • Keep the back right, the point aligned with the column, facing right ahead.
  • Tend your arms towards you.
  • Contract your abdomen and your perineum.
  • Bend the legs as if you were sitting on a chair, pushing the legs towards the rear and without pulling your knees. You can go down further or further depending on your level.

The board

  • Start by positioning yourself on four feet, then open your back so that it is right (not towards the top or bottom).
  • Then place your arms over your front and back (with your feet in the air) and find the right position for your back.
  • Contract your abdomen, your perineum and your thighs and hold this position for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Whether for long or short, you can increase the length of the board to up to 2 or 3 minutes (no point in taking too long!).

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Dips on a chair

  • Sit on a chair, place your hands on the side of the chair and both hands on your waist.
  • Loosen your waist and bend your knees to lower your body towards the sun.
  • Return to the departure position.

Lateral elevations of the arms

  • Put yourself out there, right, with a stop in each hand.
  • Gently raise your arms high above your shoulders, keeping your back right.
  • Then ram your arms down the length of your body.

Muscle building after 50 years: how to get real results?

  • Taking care of the execution of movements : take the time to execute each movement before increasing the number of series. Favor wide-angle lenses to relieve muscular strain and work intensive muscles.
  • Gradually increase the number of series : Once the movements and postures are well mastered, you can gradually increase the number of series. This allows you not to rest on your acquis and to gain progressive strength.

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  • Working as a corps ensemble : women have a tendency to work certain muscle groups as a priority (feet, abdomen). Therefore, it is essential to work your muscles together for effective muscle strengthening.
  • Misery over regulation : focus on short muscle strengthening sessions (20 to 40 minutes) which you can easily perform once or twice a week and which will allow you to have better regularity (the key to getting results).
  • Be accompanist If you have a real weight or performance loss objective, hire a sports coach to accompany you to your first sessions. The acids provide training perfectly tailored to your needs and your metabolism.

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