5 Best Stress Busters to Improve your Wellbeing

We all suffer from stress at some point in our lives; it’s our body’s physical response to emotional or mental pressure. Our relationships, jobs, home life, and money are all things that can add to our stress levels, which in turn can affect our mental health and general wellbeing.

When your stress levels are high, it can affect your mood, sleep pattern, eating habits, and general outlook on life – and can be extremely dangerous if not treated or at least managed.

There are numerous ways to reduce your stress levels, and in this article, we will look at five of the best stress-busters that will improve your wellbeing and good mental health.

Regular Exercise

Exercise is a great way of relieving stress and helps your overall mood.  When you exercise, your body is stimulated and releases a number of hormones, including endorphins, which, for want of a better description, is the “happy hormone.”

Whether it is walking, running, swimming, cycling, boxing, or something else, exercise can increase your fitness levels whilst decreasing your stress levels. One of the most important things to remember is to pick a form of exercise that you enjoy because then you have more chance of keeping it up!



Yoga has been used as a stress buster for thousands of years, focusing on your breathing, visualization, and meditation. It relaxes both your body and mind, allowing you to let go of your fears and worries, and letting both your body and mind gain a sense of calm and ease.


Nutrients, Vitamins, and Supplements

When we are stressed out or even busy, we tend not to eat properly, which can negatively affect our physical and mental health.

Many supplements on the market claim to reduce stress levels, with one of the most popular ones being Ashwagandha, a natural supplement that many people use.

Ashwagandha has been around for thousands of years and is a plant that grows naturally on the Indian and Asian continents, the root of which has been used for various ailments, and it is the case that Ashwagandha pills combat stress. These supplements are available in capsule form, and as well as being a great stress buster, they can also help increase your energy levels and improve your focus and concentration.



Breathing is something we all obviously do, but did you know that controlling your breathing is a great way to reduce your stress levels? The technical term for this relatively new health fad is Breath Work, and there are various techniques you can practice to find the one that is right for you.

Deep breathing exercises lower your heart rate, allowing your body and mind to relax, in turn reducing your stress levels. Breath Work is a favorite amongst celebrities, including Gwynneth Paltrow and Beyonce.


Laugh & Socialise

When people are stressed, this often affects their mental health, and if you are already prone to bouts of depression and anxiety, then the added pressure of elevated stress levels will more than likely make you want to shut yourself away and not speak to anyone.

This isn’t just unhealthy but can be extremely dangerous, so make time for yourself and your friends. When we laugh, our bodies take in more oxygen, and our heart and lungs get a boost, and feel-good hormones like endorphins are released, relieving stress and calming the body and mind.


It’s Never Too Late to Start

We all live busy lives, which certainly doesn’t help with stress. However, making a few small changes to your lifestyle like those we have mentioned above can definitely help with reducing your stress levels.

A few other things you can do to lower your stress levels are to make sure that you eat a balanced diet each day. If you aren’t getting the right amount of vitamins and nutrients into your body through your diet, you could always take supplements and vitamins to boost your body.  Getting enough sleep is another thing that can help with your stress levels; if your mind and body are tired through lack of sleep, it will undoubtedly affect the way you deal with any situation, stressful or not.

Keeping away from stressful situations isn’t always possible. Nonetheless, we hope that the tips and techniques we have mentioned in this article will help alleviate or at least lower your stress levels for your own peace of mind.