5 furnishing mistakes that quickly make your living room uncomfortable

5 furnishing mistakes that quickly make your living room uncomfortable

We usually receive guests in the living room and therefore want to show our best side.


Do you want to redecorate your living room, but don’t know what to look out for before buying new furniture? Here’s what not to do when redesigning.

The living room is probably the room where we spend most of our time. We make ourselves comfortable on the sofa for a nice movie night or sit together with friends and play a board game.

Small mistakes can upset the overall picture

With many, the dining area is also located in the living room and therefore brings the family together when eating together. It is therefore a room in which a lot of life takes place. Therefore, it should also be set up accordingly. Watch the video to find out which mistakes you should avoid.

Source used: stern.de, glamour.de


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