5 reasons why you should drink a glass of water first thing in the morning

Healthy start to the day
5 reasons why you should drink a glass of water first thing in the morning

© fizkes / Shutterstock

Acai bowls, ginger shots and the like are the current trend superfoods for the morning. It is actually so easy to start the day healthy: with a glass of water right after getting up.

For most of us, drinking coffee or tea is the first official act in the early morning – usually before breakfast. We would be doing our bodies a big favor if the first thing we did after we got up was to pour ourselves a large glass of water. Because it has a number of health benefits.

These 5 things happen when you have a glass of water after you wake up in the morning

1. Rehydrate

We usually don’t drink anything at night – at most a few sips when we wake up in between. Our body is prepared for this dehydration, but the water reserves are still empty the next morning. If you have a glass of water after getting up, you replenish your reserves immediately – and start the day well hydrated.

2. Natural stimulant

Caffeinated beverages such as coffee or tea are the means of choice for many to drive the morning tiredness out of the limbs (and the head!). Water can also make us fit and awake. Not as strong as espresso and Co., but definitely so that we notice it. Because dehydration can be an important cause of fatigue and lack of energy. If you start the day with a glass of water, you counteract this and provide your brain with fresh energy. By the way: you can intensify this effect with a dash of lemon and a little ginger.

3. Stimulate digestion

If we do not eat or drink overnight, our digestion also goes into a well-deserved sleep mode. So the best thing to do in the morning is to gently get it going again – and that works better with water than with coffee. Because acidic foods can be too much for our stomachs early in the morning.

4. Remove toxins

While we sleep, our body regenerates and can break down toxins when we are at rest. The kidneys in particular are responsible for this detoxification process. When you drink water in the morning, you help the body flush out these substances. In this way you protect your body from diseases that could promote deposited toxins.

5. Boost your metabolism

Not only digestion, but also your metabolism can be stimulated with water after getting up. Because water is an important aid for our metabolism, transporting away the carbohydrates, proteins and other nutrients that we consume during the day. With a large glass of water before breakfast, you can naturally boost your metabolism.

Sources used: healthline.com, medicalnewstoday.com


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