5 self-care tricks you can do in a minute

When stressed
5 self-care tricks you can do in a minute

© insta_photos / Adobe Stock

Don’t have time for yoga, meditation or just a proper break? Then these self-care tricks that you can do in a minute will help you.

Self-care has become the buzzword of our time – it is always important. Studies have shown that people who take good care of themselves are less stressed overall and more resilient. But when life gets in the way (kids? job deadlines? sick parents?), self-care is usually the first thing to be put on the back burner.

The good news? You don’t have to meditate for 30 minutes or devote an hour to yoga to practice self-care. Even if your day is actually way too short and you’re stressed out, you can reap the benefits of self-care. Because even small moments can make a big difference. Here are five ideas that will give you rest and relaxation in one minute:

1. Leave the situation

It’s easy to get upset or worried about that silly mistake at work because the babysitter canceled while you were at the computer sits. Research has shown that even short breaks can help stave off most stress. So get up and do something else. You can go to the bathroom and rinse your mouth for a minute. Or do a little lap outside. The goal is to get yourself out of the previous situation and give your brain something new to focus on.

2. Do a mini meditation

Grab your phone, start a quick meditation in an app (or set your timer for a minute if you don’t need guidance), and close your eyes. The good thing: When you meditate, your stress level automatically decreases, and you don’t have to invest half an hour and you don’t have to be a professional either. Even one-minute meditations can help you to reorient yourself and fill your day with new energy, for example with the Eagle Meditation.

3. Make yourself laugh

This one joke from your favorite comedienne regularly makes you collapse with laughter? Or those hilarious baby and dog clips on your Instagram feed? Then you should take a little break from laughing by watching funny memes or video clips. There’s a lot of scientific evidence that laughter can quickly relieve stress, whether it’s spontaneous (e.g., through a funny video) or simulated, meaning you’re just pretending to laugh.

4. Take five deep breaths

Levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, explode when your body responds to stress or anxiety. But even a few deep breaths can help to lower the cortisol level again. The best way to do this is to breathe with the diaphragm: breathe in deeply, hold your breath and breathe out again – four times. Extra bonus: A study has shown that the effects of diaphragmatic breathing are cumulative, meaning that regular use can lead to long-term stress reduction.

5. Put on a mantra board

As trite as it sounds, personally chosen mantras can help you center yourself when things get out of hand. One study found that practicing self-affirmation exercises can positively influence the brain’s reward system, such as using mantras. Your mantras can be anything that appeals to you, e.g. B. “I can do it”, “I take care of myself” or “I’m good”. Write everything on a mantra board and hang it somewhere visible. Then you can always look at it when everything threatens to go wrong again.

PS: These tips are intended to calm you down in stressful situations and to do you good. But in the long run, everyone should try to have relaxed phases – every single day.

Sources used: oprahdaily.com, BRIGITTE


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