5 signs that show that your cream is not suitable for your skin

Is your day cream really suitable for your skin? If you’re not sure, watch for these five signs that she’s not the right fit for you.

Essential for the health and youth of your skin, the cream is a must to apply every morning and every night to hydrate your skin and help it regenerate effectively. If hydration is the first anti-wrinkle gesture, your day or night care must also be suitable for your skin type and to your needs according to your age. Otherwise, beware of feelings of discomfort, unsightly shine and other skin problems (irritations, pimples, etc.), not to mention one of the worst: premature aging of the epidermis!

Rest assured, some skin reactions leave no room for doubt and are all messages that your epidermis sends you to make you understand that your cream, your serum or any other facial treatment, just isn’t for you! Focus on these signals that do not deceive to finally find out if your cream is right for you.

Your skin dryness persists

Your skin feels tight and remains uncomfortable despite the diligent application of your moisturizer? Do you see fine lines of dehydration on your face? This is a sign that your treatment is not hydrating enough, or that you need a richer treatment that will restore the hydrolipidic film of your skin in addition to hydrating it so that it can better retain moisture. hydration. First try an ultra moisturizing cream and if that is not enough, opt for a moisturizer and nourishing.

Your skin is oilier than before

When they are not related to skin type (combination skin, oily skin), unsightly shine can be due to the use of a facial treatment that is too rich for your skin. The latter ends up unbalancing your epidermis, which has to deal with excess oil caused by the accumulation of sebum (the skin’s natural moisturizer) and the nourishing action of your cream. Be careful, in the long term, this could clog the pores of your skin and cause blackheads and pimples on the face. Swap your facial treatment of the moment for a purely moisturizing cream that contains, for example, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera or vegetable glycerin.

Your cream does not penetrate well

Once applied, does your cream take time to be absorbed by your skin? Does it stay on its surface and make white marks? It is certainly because its galenic is not adapted to your skin type. Fluid and light, dense and creamy, fresh jelly or enveloping balm: not all textures suit all skin types. The one of your cream must be in affinity with your skin type. Is your skin dry or sensitive? Rich and pampering treatments are perfect. Is your skin combination to oily? Choose fluid creams that won’t clog your skin’s pores.

Irritations, redness, pimples: your skin reacts

The easiest and most effective way to find out if your cream is right for you is to monitor any skin reactions after applying your treatment. If you notice the appearance of abnormal redness, that your skin tingles or pulls, it may be an allergy to one of the ingredients of your cream. Don’t use it anymore! Another equally annoying scenario: your cream does not do its job of protecting against external aggressions (cold, wind, etc.) and your skin suffers as a result. In any case, it is necessary to change care. Finally, if your usually clear skin is studded with imperfections, it is possible that your cream is to blame because a suitable moisturizer does not cause pimples.

You don’t see any difference since you apply it

This is a sign that your cream is not doing its job well and therefore it is not suitable for you. Are your wrinkles getting deeper and deeper despite your anti-wrinkle cream? Your pigment spots do not diminish over the weeks despite the application of your lightening treatment? You have to change it for a cream that contains other active ingredients with the same effects to which your skin will be more receptive. Ditto if you only see an improvement in certain areas of your face. You surely have combination skin and your cream is only suitable for dry or, on the contrary, oily parts of your skin. Be careful because in the long term it could cause an imbalance on those to which it is not suitable.

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and pro tips…

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