6 Tips to Avoid Raising a Spoiled Kid

Do you feel that your child can quickly become capricious? You don’t know how to put him on the right path? Do not be afraid. There are tactics to avoid raising a spoiled child.

Being a parent is not innate. Therefore, one of the fears that we can have when having a child is that we will raise him badly to the point of making him a “spoiled person”. Unfortunately, there is no perfect education. However, it is possible to adopt effective methods to ensure that your offspring behave reasonably, towards you and the outside world.

As school psychologist Michel Barba says: “Remember, there is no such thing as a spoiled gene. It is a learned behavior that can be unlearned and the sooner the better.“. It is therefore time to adopt good habits. To do this, here is 6 tips to avoid raising a spoiled child.

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“No” must be part of your vocabulary

Imposing “no” on your child will not make you a tyrannical or authoritarian parent. Your offspring, to live peacefully, must know the principle of limits and authority. So, if you want to say “no”, don’t feel guilty and do it calmly and with empathy and stick to it.

Teach your child the concept of giving

Don’t think that what defines your child is what he has. The first thing you need to bring is values ​​and not material. Think about his future. It is better that he learns solidarity and sharing than having the latest PlayStation.

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Gratitude will make your little one more reasonable

Model gratitude in your home. Take time to show your offspring how lucky they are. Ask him to tell you about his day and explain in a caring way that he can be grateful to have these experiences every day.

Make him curious about others

A spoiled brat thinks about himself constantly. To avoid this, get your little one to open up to others and understand them. To do this, ask him questions directed at those around him, for example: “Ask your friend what they want for snack“.

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Punishment is not productive for the child

It is better to encourage your child rather than punish him for not meeting your expectations from the start. And don’t forget that he needs support. As parents, you are their first role models, so act with understanding and calm.

Promote his wonder

So that your child does not become spoiled and constantly demands, show him the beauty of simple things. For example, go for a walk in nature and communicate with him about the colors of flowers, the water cycle or even the chance to be with family.

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By following these 6 tips to avoid raising a spoiled child, your daily life will be more peaceful and your offspring will be grateful.

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