6 tips to enjoy it without harming your mental health

Social networks allow us to get informed quickly and meet people more easily. But their impact on our mental health is not to be taken lightly. Here are 6 tips to use them better.

Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are part of our daily lives like coffee, a cup of tea or a glass of wine and peanuts. But, compared to other activities, social networks can swallow up a significant portion of our time without our realizing it. Indeed, the algorithms of its applications are designed so that we spend as much time as possible on them. And while the advantage of networks is that they keep us informed about the topics that matter to us, the impact on our mental health can be disastrous. A bad for a good, because a life without social networks is inconceivable today?

Not sure. The recent scandal around Facebook Papers, highlighted by whistleblower Frances Haugen, is a reminder of how much these platforms rely on our addiction. The more our daily lives are shaped by this practice, the more we will forget that there are other ways of socializing and learning. But since it’s not easy to stop everything all at once (and we love cat memes), we offer 6 tips to continue using social networks without falling into FOMO (for ” fear of missing out “, the fear of missing the slightest event) or even, endlessly comparing yourself to supposedly cooler people …

Put your account in private mode

In a very good article, Slate recalls that switching your Instagram account to private mode is the basis when trying to change your relationship with social networks. Such an act allows you, subsequently, to express your consent when a user seeks to follow us. This also opens the possibility of sorting regularly among your followers. By putting your account in private, your content then becomes visible only to those who follow you and whom you like.

Set a limited number of subscriptions and subscribers

Having 3,600 subscriptions and as many subscribers may be socially rewarding, but it’s humanly impossible if you translate these numbers to your attention span. Already, because you won’t remember or watch every post from every account you follow. Then, because you will not be able to discuss and develop a concrete relationship with all your followers. It is therefore important to set yourself a limited number – 200 or 150 – of subscriptions and subscribers. This will air your news feed and considerably reduce the time you spend scrolling.

Set a time limit for use

Everyone tries to do it, but no one sticks to it, it’s true. But the idea of ​​setting a maximum time for Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook usage conditions you to use your app better once you’re on it. Knowing that your time is limited, you may be able to go to the app to search for something specific and not just to fill the gap. If you go over the limit, don’t panic. You might as well gradually reduce your time of use rather than restricting it directly to 1 hour per day.

Go on the networks at certain times and in certain places

To make better use of social networks, you can definitely only use it during your lunch break at work. Or you tell yourself that you will only open your account in transport. Setting such limits – of time and space – allows you to regulate your use so that it does not take up too much space in your daily life.

Mute friend accounts that make you feel bad

No matter how much you love your friends, sometimes their social media identity is completely different from the one you’re used to in reality. Let’s face it, some friends wouldn’t be if you had met them directly on Instagram or Twitter. Others put the pressure on you because their life on the networks seems perfect compared to yours. Even if you know everything is wrong, your sanity is still impacted. In order not to upset them by unsubscribing from them, you can completely ignore their post and their stories. No one will know and you will feel better.

Uninstall the app when the need arises

Sometimes, despite everything, social networks suffocate us and have too much of an impact on the view we carry on our life and on ourselves. The best is then to uninstall the application for a while. If only to prove to you that you can continue to go out, meet people and educate yourself without these platforms. Perhaps it is even a good challenge to try to stop using social networks by telling yourself, in return, that you will accept all the invitations that will be sent to you in the future? Very quickly, you will realize that you lead a life just as hectic as those you secretly envy under your duvet.

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