6 totally free beautician beauty tips to have beautiful skin

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Good habits are as valuable as well-chosen facial care. How to have more beautiful skin without spending more (or even saving money)? A beautician answers us by revealing 6 brilliant beauty tips that won’t even cost you 1 euro.

Have beautiful skin, it’s not just about having the chance to have impeccable skin, without imperfections and with naturally tightened pores. It is also and above all knowing your skin type and understanding its condition several times during the year to adapt your facial care routine to the season and your specific needs at the moment. It also means adopting the right active ingredients according to your skin type, and being careful to make the right combinations of ingredients so as not to irritate it, as Doris, a beautician known as @theparisianesthetician on Instagram.

The expert also has her simple tips to adopt but extremely effective to have pretty skin, some of which are completely free. Tips to know for saving money that can really make a difference in your routine. And according to her, they “are just as important as each other” according to the beautician, and they “will help maintain beautiful skin”.

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Tips for beautiful skin: the best ones to adopt, according to a beautician

  • disinfect your phone : always in our hands, our phone collects all the bacteria from the lenses that we handle on a daily basis and from the surfaces on which we place it. Its screen, on which we tap all day, is placed right against our cheek when we make a call, disinfecting it therefore helps to eliminate all the bacteria which could nest there and settle on our skin, potentially create irritation, redness and pimples.
  • wash your hands before touching your face : whether to apply your day care in the morning or your night care in the evening before bed, to massage your face or just to scratch, touching your skin with dirty hands is really not recommended. And for good reason, hands carry many germs that can damage your skin, which should be removed before using them to handle your skin. A reflex that changes everything!
  • Wipe your face with clean towels : some of our toiletries are real breeding grounds for bacteria, and this is the case with our towels when we don’t wash them regularly enough, which includes washing them once a week according to the dermatologist. If you are unable to change the one with which you wipe your face every day, do so at least every 3 days in order to preserve the beauty of your skin.
  • Glaze your buttons: We don’t think about it often, but putting an ice cube directly on your big red pimples will help reduce the inflammation quickly to relieve the pain and help them disappear more quickly.
  • clean your makeup brushes frequently : as you use them to apply makeup, the bristles of your brushes become full of sebum, makeup product residue and dirt. They can become real breeding grounds for bacteria that you risk spreading across your face, which can clog your pores and give you breakouts. In addition, we reveal a great tip to know to wash your brushes more easily.
  • sleep 7 to 8 hours per night : sleeping well is essential to maintain beautiful skin because it is during the night that the skin repairs itself, while during the day it rather protects itself from small daily attacks. Not getting a good night’s sleep also prevents your skin from regenerating properly!

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