600 euro payment – beneficiaries leave the heating subsidy

Although Salzburg would receive more funding due to higher income limits, there are hardly any more applications.

As reported, only 1000 more applications for heating subsidies than in 2022 have been approved so far this year in the state of Salzburg. And that despite higher income limits and a significantly higher subsidy. Because of the crises, the aid was increased to 600 euros in April. “Nationwide, in 2021, i.e. before the current rise in prices, more than 60,000 people were at risk of poverty, including 21,000 children and young people. In addition, there are already 10,000 minimum pensioners in the state alone, for whom the heating cost subsidy is apparently not getting enough,” says Kay-Michael Dankl (KPÖ Plus). He would like better information from the state – following the example of Vienna. All households there were informed in writing about the new guidelines for the heating cost subsidy. So far there have been 8,000 applications in Salzburg. Almost 2,000 were rejected, mostly because they exceeded the net income limit of around 1,300 euros for single people and single educators.
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