605 million visits, the incredible statistics of Service-Public.fr, the site for all your administrative procedures

Alexandre Boero

Clubic news manager

January 19, 2024 at 11:45 a.m.


Service-public.fr © Alexandre Boero / Clubic

The Service-public.fr platform © Alexandre Boero / Clubic

The French administration’s reference site, Service-public.fr, recorded a record number of visits in 2023. Undeniably, the platform has become a real everyday tool.

Service-public.fr has become what we can call a “must have”. The site which centralizes and facilitates administrative procedures recorded a resounding success in 2023, with 605 million visits, compared to 578 million the previous year. The platform, which has transformed drastically in just a few years, now attracts users thanks to its accessibility and clearer content. Let’s see in a few figures what its impact is on the French.

Service-public.fr, ease of use and a record audience

The platform supports users on a daily basis, providing information on various subjects such as moving, marriage or, more recently, online scams. In 2023, 6 million French people consulted the renewal of the identity card, which shows us that the platform has taken an important place in administrative management.

User journeys improved further in 2023 on the site, and this was reflected in significant increases in the audience on specific files (3,504 in total). Consultation of certain sections, such as the popular savings booklet, the Bafa, and school trips, increased respectively by 77%, 87%, and 85%, according to figures provided to us by the Directorate of Legal Information and administrative (DILA).

Other content that works very well on the platform: situation simulators! In 2023, they will reach 26 million visits. Models are also increasingly popular, with 4.5 million visits for the one on the accommodation certificate. There are 355 on the site.

A free API available since the end of last year

To stay in direct contact with users, the site has increased collaborations and partnerships with different administrations. In 2023, a new pathway for managing procedures related to the loss of a loved one has been put in place, depending in particular on the person leading the procedures. Result: a 31% increase in the audience of this page, now doubled by a dedicated telephone service, to support citizens facing misfortune.

Interesting detail, Service-public.fr has made available since December an API (free access) which allows you to consult the data from the public services and administration directory. It offers access to multiple information on the administrative organization of the State and local databases, with the aim of strengthening transparency and ease of access to public information.

In the coming months, the platform will continue to evolve with the addition of new routes for other life events, such as returning to France after a long stay abroad. The State wants Service-public.fr to remain at the forefront of user needs and simplify access to administrative information, to concentrate them as much as possible around this single channel.

Service-public.fr in 3 facts

In 2023, the platform has evolved significantly, and we have selected some key facts and figures for you.

  • A new system for finding your impounded vehicle has been launched. And it works, with 15,000 requests each month!
  • Since October 2023, it has been possible to make an appointment at a police station from the platform. For the moment, only a few police headquarters (Arcachon, Bordeaux) are concerned. An extension to the entire territory is planned this year.
  • 6.2 million files were sent for processing as part of the site’s online procedures.

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