61 kilos of narcotics – prison sentences after cannabis deals in the hairdressing salon

Two Syrians (23, 25), including a hair artist, are said to have organized the drug. An Austrian merchant (26) is said to have picked it up, stashed it in his apartment and sold it. The other co-defendants, aged between 21 and 26, delivered and distributed it. The group is said to have consumed 120 kilograms of cannabis between April 2020 and April 2020

September 2021 in Salzburg-Lehen. And sometimes directly in the barber shop.

According to the indictment, this is proven by months of investigative work: with tracking devices on vehicles, observations and telephone surveillance. However, defenders criticized the amounts given: “Some things are correct, many more are incorrect,” said lawyer Robert Morianz critically. Defense attorney Franz Essl also spoke of “unilateral investigations”. Instead of 120, it was 61 kilograms, according to the criticism.

The Austrian also admitted this amount on Monday at the beginning of the trial – and received two years in prison. Another co-accused received 21 months unconditional imprisonment, three others got away with suspended sentences. After three days of negotiations and the statements of 25 witnesses, prison sentences were also imposed on the other four accused on Wednesday: the two main perpetrators were sentenced to five and four years in prison. They are said to have formed a criminal organization. Another defendant received a part-time prison sentence. Not legally binding.


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Wednesday April 13, 2022



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