68% of French people are directly or indirectly affected by unemployment

In its third barometer, published this Wednesday, December 22, 2021, Unédic highlights the view that the French have on unemployment but also on the unemployed.

If the health situation is deteriorating, the French remain optimistic about their professional future but also about the evolution of the job market. However, despite this optimism, they have a paradoxical view of unemployment. Indeed, 68% of French people are directly or indirectly affected by unemployment. They are even 47% to have already lived a period of unemployment in the past and 12% to know one now.

A very large majority of those questioned (94%) believe that unemployment can affect everyone. Despite this proximity to unemployment, the French have a hard look on job seekers. In 2021, 43% of French people believe that this unemployment situation is the responsibility of the job seeker. These are 7 points more than in September 2020, when part 2 of this barometer was published.

Unemployment, a situation suffered

French suspicion of the unemployed is also on the rise. They are 48% to consider that the latter are not looking for a job (+ 3%). This lack of research stems from several factors according to them, such as the fear of losing unemployment benefits (55%) or the lack of concessions in the search criteria (59%). 39% of French people believe that the unemployed are assisted, a figure that has remained stable since 2020.

However, if the view of the French on job seekers is harsh, paradoxically 75% of them believe that this situation is suffered more than chosen. This large majority is still down by 3 points compared to September 2020.

The difficult eyes of others for job seekers

This situation is complex for the unemployed who suffer from the glance that society gives them. Between 25% and 50% of the unemployed believe they have experienced contempt. They are 23% to be treated as “lazy”, 26% have already heard the word “assisted” to qualify them. This feeling of being disparaged is on the rise.

Questions about job searches are also very frequent: 46% of the unemployed confide that they have been “questioned insistently” and 45% note that they are not believed when they explain actively looking for a job.

Job seekers, however, keep a good image of themselves, since 83% see themselves as persevering in their search for work.

The important place of work in France

This mixed perception of unemployment can be explained by the importance of the place of work in French society. Indeed, 81% of French people believe that work occupies an important place in their life. For job seekers, this importance is felt by 88% of them.

The importance of work is divided into several factors. Unsurprisingly, 58% of French people believe that work is important because it allows them to meet basic needs. For 51% of them, it allows you to do what you love. The feeling of usefulness that work brings is shared by 43% of French people.

a healthy labor market

The Unédic barometer also looks at the future of the job market and the perception of the French on this point. The feeling that there is a deterioration of the situation is present among 49% of French people. A significant portion which has however experienced a decrease of 24 points in 15 months.

The French are divided on the evolution of the situation in the next twelve months: 36% believe that the situation will remain unchanged within a year, while 33% expect an improvement in the job market. Slightly less than a third (31%) of French people believe, however, that the situation will deteriorate again over the next year.

Despite this mixed vision, on average 73% of active French people believe that their sector is doing well “out of the crisis”. A nuance must however be made for the catering and accommodation sectors for which 50% believe that the sector is doing well against 50% who believe the opposite.

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