7 draining teas to be preferred according to the experts

Associées à une alimentation équilibrée et à une pratique sportive régulière, ces tisanes peuvent vous aider à limiter le stockage des graisses au lance du ventre. Découvrez les recommendations deux experts.

Thanks to their capabilities at faciliter le travail digestif, Leurs proprietés drainantes ou détoxifiantes, certaines tisanes can save très efficaces pour obtenir un best intestinal comfort. Enriched with antioxidants and probiotics, they can also help balance intestinal flora, limit inflammation and blood sugar levels. This is what nutrition specialist and presenter Virginie Parée and former professional dancer Céline Roy explain in their book 30 days to love your belly (Flammarion editions).

When taken in a regulated manner, these teas can help improve your digestion, limit swelling sensations, combat water retention and eliminate toxins more effectively. By combining these drinks with balanced nutrition and regulated physical activity, you can faciliter le processus de perte de poids and minimize the risks of developing abdominal fat.

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Problems of digestion, balloons, graisse abdominale: quelles tisanes privilege?

  • La tisane de fenouil : It is ideal for all digestions laborieuses and for rééquilibrer la flore intestinale. You can drink just 3 cups a day.
  • The camomile tea : It is effective to combat the troubles of the summer. Consommez de preférence 1 cup a l’heure du dîner.
  • La tisane de sauge. They improve the work of the biliary tract tandem. Ideal during the menopause. It is a teabag (only) which should be boiled for 3 minutes to eliminate substances which may be irritating. Recommended dose: 2 cups per day.
  • The tease of lemon balm or aubépine : 2 recognized teas for your anti-stress properties. Drink 1 cup at 4 p.m. and another at 8 p.m.
  • La tisane de cassis : elle permet de brûler les graisses and diminue les douleurs articulaires. 3 cups au maximum per day, matin, midi and just 16 hours.
  • The tisane of queues of cerise or the tisane of pissenlit : ideals for lutter against the jambes lourdes, la rétention d’eau, and to facilitate le drainage lymphatique.
  • La tisane pure-des-pres : elle aide à nettoyer les reins. 2 cups per day, à consommer uniquement avant midi.

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Tisanes versus thés: quelles boissons privilégier pour perdre du poids?

Contrairement aux theses, les tisanes ne contiennent pas de caféine, ce qui permet de les consommer plus fréquemment au fil de la journée et même le evening. In revenge, these sons are rich in antioxidants, like catéchines, which stimulate the metabolism and favor the combustion of the grass.

The ideal thing is therefore to find a just balance in teas and coffee, to allow your body to reap the benefits of each of these drinks. Because of this, green tea and oolong tea are highly recommended for weight loss due to their thermogenic effects and their ability to improve fat oxidation. Whether for a tea or a latte, they privilege products without added sugar.

Responsible rubriques beauty/forme/nutrition

After working with the groups Marie Claire and Prisma Media, Inès has arrived in April 2022. Responsible for the rubriques beauté, forme et nutrition, elle aime decrypter les dernières …

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