7 micro gestures to lose weight without diet: Current Woman The MAG

The slow attitude is also invading the sphere of diets! Gone are the drastic methods that disrupt the metabolism and ruin all our efforts to lose weight. Now, common sense prevails. Because we have had enough of weighing food to the nearest gram, calculating the ideal weight … and the radical change in eating and / or sports behavior overnight. According to Eudes Séméria clinical psychologist, author of "The thoughts that make you lose weight" (Albin Michel edition), to start a diet in haste, to jump on the latest fashionable diet, it is a mistake. In short, do not make a clean sweep of your bad habits all at once! But proceed step by step, taking the time to establish different benchmarks, to do your shopping differently, to adopt micro reflexes on a daily basis… "The changes undertaken will only have an effect if we commit to the very long term, assures Eudes Séméria, the challenge being to acquire a responsible and sustainable operation and, in principle, definitive".

Long-lasting slimming: express, easy and effective advice

To lose weight, the policy of small steps, it works! In addition to a varied and balanced diet (more vegetables …) adopt these small gestures on a daily basis.

  • I am aiming for 500 more steps per day: to finally achieve the "10,000 steps per day" recommended by health experts, a course that can allow you to lose 1 cm of waist size every three months.
  • I dose with a spoon: for example, when I cook for four people, down to three tablespoons of oil or three teaspoons of butter instead of my usual four, and doing this twice a day, that's 1350 fewer calories per month.
  • I acidify my meals: it's easy and it lowers the glycemic index (GI) and the secretion of insulin that makes you store. At each meal, I consume lemon juice (drizzle on fish for example) or vinegar (in a light sauce), or a citrus fruit or red fruits for dessert.
  • I dilute the vinaigrette: by limiting myself to one tablespoon of oil against two (for one of vinegar or lemon) and by adding a tablespoon of cottage cheese at 3% fat and aromatics, the saving is 67 to 85 calories.
  • I divide the sugar: by adding only half a sugar instead of one in my coffees, teas, dairy products … This simple little reflex three times a day, that makes 1200 calories less per month! The idea being, eventually, to manage to do without it.
  • I spice up a maximum: use 2 grams of chilli per day is equivalent to burning 75 more calories. Not easy … and especially beware of a fragile stomach! But we can fall back on other spices (pepper, ginger …) or turmeric which slows down the multiplication of fat cells.
  • I drink green tea: According to different studies, drinking three cups of green tea per day can burn 50 to 100 calories. And what's more, it's good!

⋙ 10 little reflexes to lose weight without a diet

⋙ Intuitive diet: the new way to lose weight without dieting

⋙ Drainers: 10 foods that help eliminate