7 signs that can predict divorce (according to science)

What if there are warning signs that indicate the end of a love affair? Here are 7 factors that scientists believe can predict divorce.

No one can say with 100% certainty that a marriage is failing. However, numerous scientific studies have identified certain warning signs that should put you on the spot. We have compiled for you 7 factors that would predict a divorce. Please note, each couple is unique and these studies are not to be taken at face value!

You got married too young (or too old)

According to the teacher Nicholas wolfinger, a professor at the University of Utah, the perfect time to get married is in your twenties. Historical data on couples shows that after age 32, the odds of divorce increase by 5% with each passing year. Her research suggests that couples who marry in their teens and those who marry in their mid-thirties or later are at greater risk of divorce than couples who unite in their twenties and early thirties. The risk is particularly high for adolescent couples.

That said, the best time to get married is when you feel ready. Don’t force anything – or push anything back – because a study told you to.

You didn’t finish high school

An article published on the Bureau of Labor Statistics highlights a result of the National Longitudinal Youth Survey (1979), which examined the marriage and divorce trends of a group of young baby boomers (those born between 1943 and 1960). It reads: “The odds of a marriage ending in divorce were lower for those with more education, with more than half of the marriages of those who had not completed high school ending up in divorce. divorce, compared to around 30% of marriages of higher education graduates ”.

Your husband does not work full time

A Harvard study from 2016, published in the American Sociological Reviewsuggests that it is not a couple’s finances that affect their chances of divorce, but rather the division of labor. For this, the researcher Alexandra Killewald looked at heterosexual marriages that began after 1975. She observed that couples in which the husband did not have a full-time job had a 3.3% chance of more to divorce. Proof that the stereotype of the man who absolutely has to provide for his family and bring home money is very tenacious.

You avoid conflicts

According to a study published in 2013 in the Journal of Marriage and Family, lack of communication is the number one cause of divorce. This finding was based on the researchers’ interviews with approximately 350 newlywed couples living in Michigan. In parallel, a 2014 study, published in the journal Communication Monographs, suggests that couples engaged in “ask / withdraw” patterns – that is, when a partner exerts pressure and receives silence in return – are less happy in their relationship.

You are overly affectionate newlyweds

Too much affection would hurt the couple. This is indeed what an American study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. To complete their investigation, the researchers followed 168 couples for 13 years to determine what were the telltale signs of a lasting marriage or, on the contrary, of a divorce. They observed that an overflow of affection between the two partners at the start of a relationship could predict a divorce a few years later.

Read also : This love behavior announces a future divorce and it is science that says it

You have divorced parents

Research shows that if your parents are divorced, you are more likely to get divorced as well. According to a survey by Psychology Today, if a woman’s parents are divorced, the chances of divorce increase by 69%. But it doesn’t stop there. If the parents of both members of the couple have divorced, the statistic rises to 189%. Ouch.

You describe your relationship negatively

In a study published in 2000 in the Journal of Family Psychology, researchers subjected 95 newlywed couples to an oral interview. The results showed that couples’ scores on certain measures predicted the strength or weakness of their marriage. These measures included: reciprocal affection, the “we” or the extent to which each spouse emphasizes the marriage union, the expansiveness or the extent to which each partner develops the words of the other, negativity, disappointment in the marriage and the extent to which the couple describes their marriage as chaotic.

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Marion Dos Santos Clara

Lifestyle journalist, Marion writes on topics related to psychology, love and sexuality, from a societal perspective. From female pleasure to new methods of personal development, …