7 Signs You Have a Truly Authentic Personality (It’s Not Ordinary and People Envy You)

This is not given to everyone but some of us have, sometimes without knowing it, a truly authentic personality. They are 100% true to themselves and people envy them for that. Here are 7 signs that this is (maybe) you.

Have a authentic personality, it’s more than being true to yourself. It’s about showing the world your true personality, your true nature, even if it’s not always easy. You must therefore have a certain courage, which is what makes this type of individual rare. Psychology has identified several character traits that demonstrate an authentic person. If you think you recognize yourself or if you aspire to more authenticity in your life, here is seven signs to watch for (you might discover more about yourself than you think).

1) You are true to yourself

Authentic people are self-aware. They know their strengths, their weaknesses, their passions and their values. They don’t pretend to be someone they’re not. On the contrary, they embrace their individuality and are not afraid to show themselves to the world as they truly are, without trying to fit into society’s norms or expectations. For what ? Because they understand that it is more important to be true to yourself than to please others. They are comfortable in their own skin and do not feel the need to show off or cross themselves.

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2) You are not afraid to express your emotions

Authentic people tend to be comfortable expressing their emotions. They don’t hide their feelings (and even share them openly). In a society where a large number of people are constantly trying to put on a good face, hide their anxieties and cope with difficulties alone, authentic individuals shine through their difference. Whether they are overjoyed or deeply sad, they do not pretend to please others and do not fear being judged. This level of emotional honesty is deeply refreshing. This can often help others understand how to feel comfortable enough to express their own feelings. It’s totally normal to not always be okay. Recognizing it and saying it is a strength.

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3) You do not seek approval from others

Authentic people live according to their own standards and values, rather than pandering to the expectations of others. They don’t need validation from outside people to feel happy and fulfilled. Psychology research has found that people who rely less on external validation tend to have higher self-esteem and are less likely to suffer from mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. This does not mean that they completely ignore the opinions of others. They simply do not let these opinions dictate their actions or decisions.

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4) You are not a people pleaser

A “people pleaser” is someone who is too nice, who doesn’t know how to say “no” and who constantly puts the happiness of others before their own. These people often lack consideration and self-esteem. However, authentic people do not try to please others. They understand that they can’t please everyone (and don’t try to). They do not bend over backwards to gain approval from others or fit into a group. They prioritize their principles over the opinions of others. They dare to say “no” when something does not correspond to their beliefs or their limits. While they value relationships and care for others, it is never at the expense of their own well-being or integrity.

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5) You are comfortable with vulnerability

Authenticity and vulnerability go hand in hand. Several studies suggest that people who are willing to lay themselves bare, to share their fears, doubts and insecurities, are often the most authentic. This is not an easy thing to do: exposing your vulnerability means exposing yourself to criticism or judgment. But that’s precisely what makes this approach so powerful. Authentic individuals understand this well, they are not afraid to show their weaknesses or admit when they are wrong. They don’t feel the need to always be perfect or hide behind a facade. On the contrary, they accept their imperfections as part of their personality.

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6) You know how to listen

Authentic people know how to listen (not just hear, but listen attentively). They are genuinely interested in what you say, and show empathy and understanding. They are present in the moment, providing comfort and support without jumping into solutions or advice unless asked. By truly listening, they validate the feelings and experiences of others. They have a deep sense of empathy and understanding.

7) You are consistent and consistent

In the area of ​​sincerity, consistency is a non-negotiable criterion. Authentic people are consistent in their words and actions. They walk their talk, remaining true to their values ​​and beliefs, whatever the situation or circumstances. They remain the same person in private and in public, in every interaction. Consistency, in any action or speech, is a true sign of authenticity.

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Rights of women and children, violence, feminism, gender, discrimination, parenthood, education, psychology, health, couple, sexuality, social networks…. Joséphine loves deciphering all the social issues that drive our world…

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