700 jobs will be lost: Playmobil is putting the red pencil on

700 jobs will be lost
Playmobil puts the red pencil on

Business is not going as well as hoped. At the end of an inventory, the manufacturer Playmobil, known primarily for its toy figures, wants to eliminate a good one in six positions. Hundreds of jobs are also being lost in Bavaria.

The toy manufacturer Playmobil is cutting hundreds of jobs worldwide. A total of 700 jobs will be lost, around 370 of them in Germany, as the Horst Brandstätter Group in Zirndorf near Nuremberg announced. The job cuts correspond to a share of 17 percent worldwide and 16 percent of the total workforce in Germany.

“The company management decided this after completing a comprehensive investigation into all business areas and taking into account business developments and current economic challenges,” said a spokesman. According to the information, the Playmobil parent company recorded losses in sales and profits in the last two financial years.

It was already announced on Friday that the Playmobil manufacturer wanted to outsource its mold making and cut 74 jobs. The company announced that mold making is no longer one of the company’s core competencies and has lost its importance.

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