8 characteristics that will help you identify bad listeners

8 characteristics that will help you identify bad listeners

© garetsworkshop / Shutterstock

Listening is an art that few people have really mastered. How you can recognize listening amateurs.

Listening properly demands a lot from a person: You need a certain amount of self-confidence, empathy, emotional intelligence, interest, patience, and ideally you shouldn’t be dead tired or stressed either. In fact, all of these things only come together in a few people, so communicating is often less fruitful and satisfying than it could be. Characteristics that reveal to you that the person you are speaking to: at best listens poorly in you …

8 characteristics by which you can recognize bad listeners:

1. They interrupt you before you finish.

Thought briefly or took a breath and – BÄM! – your counterpart suddenly has the floor. Bad listeners rarely let their interlocutors speak in peace. Understandable: If you don’t follow the content, you won’t notice that something is still missing …

2. They complete your sentence.

You yourself may think that it shows how well they know you, but the truth is that people who complete other people’s sentences turn out to be bad listeners: inside. Because: Anyone who thinks they know what others want to say before they could say it also believes in most cases that they no longer have to listen because, in their opinion, they already know the following. Sounds complicated, but it’s actually very simple.

Sympathetic woman

3. You answer like a shot from a pistol.

If you react like lightning in a conversation and can always answer immediately without thinking, you are probably already thinking about what you said while you are still talking. This in turn means that this person only listens to you with divided attention.

4. You always focus the conversation on yourself.

Arrogant, insecure people are almost always bad listeners too: inside, because their thoughts are largely about them. This becomes noticeable in a conversation as soon as you express your thoughts – i.e. talk about yourself.

5. They don’t notice when you say “covfefe”.

The US President Donald Trump coined the term “covfefe” on Twitter, and it stands for meaningless nonsense. What is meant by this point: If the other person is not listening to you properly, you can tell them any nonsense you want without them noticing. You can even use made up words like covfefe, banaffe, or affane, and it won’t even bother your: n interlocutor: in.

6. They do not remember what moved you.

Nobody can remember everything that is told to them. However, if you listen carefully and follow others, you will feel when they are talking about something that touches or moves them deeply – and will also feel something about it (as I said, good listeners: because they are empathetic). We don’t easily forget what we associate with emotions. So if you complain to your girlfriend about your back pain and two weeks later she has no idea what to look for in physical therapy, she is obviously a poor listener.

7. You answer with standard sentences.

“Others are worse off”, “Time heals all wounds”, “Life is always up and down” – everyone knows that such empty phrases are only there to convey to people that they should shut up their problems in silence deal with yourself and not annoy anyone with it. That is why bad listeners use them quite often. It is too much for them to respond to their interlocutors in a targeted and individual manner, as they ultimately have to listen. And so they skilfully and routinely pull themselves out of the affair with the help of various horrific proverbs and platitudes.

8. You don’t ask questions.

Bad listeners: the inside is not about understanding you, so they don’t ask you questions either. They interpret what you say in a way that suits them and use it to be able to say something themselves.


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