8 great ideas to recycle your Easter chocolates

Did you receive too many chocolates this weekend? We give you several ideas to recycle them into gourmet desserts, for young and old alike!

Rabbits, bells, eggs, chickens … The egg hunt was successful for everyone this weekend! Unfortunately, your eyes are often bigger than your stomach … Result: you still have a whole stock of chocolates to liquidate. But don’t panic, we have selected 8 great recipe ideas for you to recycle all your Easter chocolates!

Prepare a hot chocolate

Even though it’s spring, it is still sometimes very cold outside! To warm up, nothing better than a good little hot chocolate. And instead of buying powdered chocolate, use your Easter eggs. Melt the chocolate with hot milk (vegetable or not), stir and enjoy!

Make cookies

To replace chocolate chips in your cookies, Easter chocolates will be perfect! White, dark, milk, praline … Cut them into small or large pieces and simply incorporate them into your cookie dough. You will see, they will be just as delicious!

Decorate a cake

Planning to bake a birthday cake? To make it original and unique, add your personal touch by placing a few chocolate fries on top, a small rabbit or even small eggs. It also works for decorating muffins or cupcakes!

Make a spread

If you are looking for a spread that is “healthier” than Nutella, we suggest you make it yourself! And for that, the rest of your Easter chocolates will be perfect. We give you the recipe for Kitchen just here !

Ingredients :
125 g ground hazelnuts
3 tablespoons of icing sugar
200 g of Easter chocolates
30 g semi-salted butter
170 g of sweetened condensed milk
10 cl of milk

Preparation :

  • In a saucepan over low heat, melt the chocolate with the sweetened condensed milk while stirring.
  • Never stop stirring so that it does not stick to the bottom.
  • Once melted, add the milk, butter and icing sugar.
  • Still stirring, let the ingredients melt and bind together.
  • Then, lower the heat to very low or remove from the heat the time to mix with a mixer the hazelnut powder so as to obtain a kind of hazelnut paste.
  • Then return to low heat for 2 minutes, incorporating this hazelnut paste obtained.
  • Remove from the heat and, in order to obtain a very smooth spread, put a blender directly back into the pan.
  • Pour the preparation into a pot and let cool.

Make a chocolate fondue

Another gourmet dessert idea to make with the rest of your Easter chocolates: a fondue! Melt the chocolate, take a few picks and dip in seasonal fruits to share a convivial moment with family or between friends. To obtain a very smooth chocolate, avoid praline chocolates and filled chocolates which may harden.

Cover your cookies with chocolate

To make simple buttered pancakes more delicious, consider coating them with the rest of your Easter chocolates! Nothing could be simpler: melt the chocolate, the whole cookie in it (or only half if you prefer), let cool and enjoy.

Baking chocolate cakes

Muffins, fondant, cupackes, marbled … You can also use your chocolates to make cakes. Easter eggs will be the ideal replacement for the tablets generally used for all other chocolate cake recipes.

Prepare chocolate cereal bars

To change cakes, you can also consider making chocolate cereal bars. On the Instagram account @samueletgaspard, we spotted a very easy recipe: melt 150 g of chocolate in a bain-marie, with two or three tablespoons of milk. Once melted, we mix everything with oatmeal. Leave in small molds (or make balls by hand) and put in the fridge for at least two hours.

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