8 movies ruined by their stars

Obviously nobody likes to be spoiled. And for some talents, eager to share their enthusiasm for their latest projects, it is sometimes difficult to hold their tongues… The proof by eight.

Spoiling the plot or a key element of a film does not really date from the era of social networks, even if they are now a powerful sounding board on a planetary scale. Nobody likes to be spoiled.

Still, for some talents, it is difficult to hold their tongue, sometimes releasing, quite involuntarily, a huge Plot Twist to the public, in a manifest and communicative enthusiasm about their latest projects to come or on display. The proof by eight.

Tom Holland aka Spoiler Man

Might as well start by taking out the heavy artillery with the one who is undoubtedly the absolute expert in terms of spoilers: Tom Holland. It’s that he’s not nicknamed Spoiler Man for nothing … The interpreter of Spider-Man since 2016 has generously illustrated himself by plentifully spoiling Twists on the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Came to talk about Spider-Man: Homecoming to our microphone in 2017, which was his first solo adventure in the MCU, he had thus mentioned two other future feature films dedicated to Spider-Man, even though the third opus had not not yet officially announced by the production. “Sorry, Marvel. Oops!”he then apologized when he noticed his dumpling.

Without drawing up an exhaustive inventory, we will limit ourselves to retaining what is undoubtedly THE absolute spoiler of the person concerned. The one swung during a preview of Avengers: Infinity War in 2018. “I’m alive !” (“I’m alive!”), He shouted when he arrived on stage, anxious to reassure his fans after the disappearance of his character, at the end of the feature film. The trouble is that the public was just about to discover the film…

In the queen category of uppercase spoilers, it’s an undisputed gold medal…

Michael Keaton, who spoiled “Batman” the day before its release…

On June 22, 1989, Michael Keaton was invited to David Letterman’s show to talk about Tim Burton’s Batman, in which he played the hero against the Joker played by Jack Nicholson. And this one turned out to be the murderer of Bruce Wayne’s parents, and not the mobster named Joe Chill as in the comic books, thanks to a twist-like flashback that the Americans discovered in theaters.

“Bruce Wayne witnessed the murder of his parents when he was a child”begins Michael Keaton when David Letterman asks him about what the Clown Prince of Crime did to irritate the Batman so much.

“And the Joker did this?”David Letterman then asks him, without necessarily expecting the following answer: “Yes, but he only finds out about it later… I may have just blown the plot there.” To say that the audience is dumbfounded by his response is an understatement…

Review below. A competition spoiler!

Hugh Jackman Spoils Wolverine’s Fate in ‘Logan’

A work of unconventional darkness in the ultra-crowded galaxy of superheroes from the Marvel stable, James Mangold’s Logan hit very hard, hoisting to the top the ultimate performance of Hugh Jackman in the skin of a hero more vulnerable than ever and at the end of the line.

Released on March 3, 2017 in the United States, the end of the film was unfortunately spoiled by the person concerned in a Entertainment Weekly interview published… the next day. The publication may have put the mention “spoilers” in its title and raised the red flag, it does not prevent that it still stains …

“Logan is someone who is afraid of intimacy, so he wants to be alone and do things for himself. The idea is that in the end, he has to give his life to save someone from harm. other… I found it very powerful. […] At some point, you have to bow out… It’s time to go home” let go of the actor. Thoughts moved for the readers who discovered this capital spoiler before having seen the film…

When Mads Mikkelsen spoils “Rogue One: a Star Wars Story”

Given the pedigree of the license and the expectations it has always raised, it is an understatement to say that the communication surrounding Star Wars has always been surrounded by great precautions to avoid possible leaks as much as possible, especially in the age of social networks. . But it happens of course that the seal of secrecy is broken, very involuntarily moreover.

This is the case of Mads Mikkelsen, who had spilled the beans on the character he plays in the film Rogue One: a Star Wars Story. Outside of production, of course, no one knew the actor was playing Galen Erso, who is none other than Jyn’s (Felicity Jones) father. As much to say a plot twist important part of the film, which Mikkelsen spoiled in a live interview with Sky News.

“I can’t say anything about the film! Well yes, I can, but then I would have to kill the public!” begins to let go of the actor. Cooked over low heat by the journalist, he ends up spilling the beans despite him: “I read the script and it was very beautiful. Felicity [Jones] play this lovely, strong young woman, and I play her father.” Understanding his dumpling, he drops a: “That was too much, I’m sorry!”

It can be seen from 1”20 in the video below:

David Prowse spills the beans on one of cinema’s most famous Plot Twists

In December 2017, Mark Hamill, always a very good customer of TV sets, told – once again but always with talent – in the show Graham Norton Show lhas difficulty keeping the secret of what is considered one of the most famous Plot Twists from the movies: the revelation that Darth Vader is Luke’s father in The Empire Strikes Back.

“When I signed on for the first film, nobody gave a damn! But after its huge success, it got a lot pickier about the second film. […] Irvin Kershner came up to me and said, “Listen, I’m going to tell you something. I know that, George. [Lucas] knows it, and when I tell you, you will know it too. So if it leaks, we’ll know it’s from you! He then showed me a paper with the famous line: “I am your father”. I was shocked ! I said, “Is that true??? I got paranoid, and that was decades before social media. I had to keep it a secret for a year and a half!”

Below, the sequence of the anecdote told by Mark Hamill..

The actor may not know it or has forgotten it, but David Prowse, who plays Darth Vader precisely, would have spilled the beans two days before the film’s release, during a fan convention in California in 1978. Words that were reported in a local newspaper, in an article entitled May the sequel be With You. Incredible all the same, especially since the Spoil does not seem to have reached George Lucas’ ears. It was probably better for him…

Spoilers galore for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

For once, it is not about an unfortunate dumpling dropped by mistake during the promotion by one of the headliners of Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull, but by an extra in the film and unknown to the battalion, answering to the name of Tyler Nelson.

Breaking the NDA, acronym for Non Disclosure Agreementor an agreement of strict confidentiality which obliges the signatory not to disclose certain information that the other will be required to communicate to him, the person concerned has spread in a local newspaper, the Edmond Sun, an Oklahoma gazette.

He thus delivered major spoilers on the film that Steven Spielberg was shooting, such as the way in which the Russian army is trying to blackmail Indy to force him to collaborate to help them find the famous crystal skull first.

A leak so problematic that Lucasfilm sued it in 2007. An agreement was finally reached before the trial; agreement, the terms of which have not been disclosed according to the Los Angeles Timeswho took the opportunity to remind in passing that photographs of the filming of the film as well as computers had also been stolen…

Sylvester Stallone spoils the end of Creed

Sly likes Twitter, and uses it regularly, in particular to stay in touch with his community of fans and to report on the progress of his various past projects (his biopic never made on Edgard Allan Poe in particular, from which he emerges each year the script to rework it), or to come.

In this register, he had thus posted a photo in December 2014, explaining that he had finished writing (or proofreading) a script, which turns out to be in fact the last page of Creed’s script, with a sheet placed on the ‘towards.

Never short of ideas and solutions, the fans are limitless. One of them managed to decrypt the pagewhich thus reveals that Adonis Creed wins his boxing match but also reveals that Rocky was diagnosed with cancer… A very unfortunate spoiler therefore, intervening almost two years before the release of Ryan Coogler’s film.

Will Smith torpedoing the end of “I Am Legend”

A few years before slapping Chris Rock, whose infamous and mind-blowing images will go around the world, Will Smith had already disintegrated mid-flight in another sequence. Certainly not as violent and serious, but we can still imagine the discomfort… It was during the promotional tour of the film I am a legend, adapted from the classic of SF literature by Richard Matheson.

Here is the trailer again…

During the film’s press conference in Japan, which was held on December 4, 2007, ten days before the film’s simultaneous release in the United States and Japan, the actor revealed nothing less than the end of the film! Present at his side, the producer and co-screenwriter of the film, Akiva Goldsman, flabbergasted, yelled a very angry “Don’t say anything about the ending!!!”

“Goldsman then pretended to be surprised, but it was too late and the press conference organizers asked everyone present to keep the ending secret, so as not to spoil it for the spectators” told the Reuters agency, who was covering the event. Red card for Will Smith!

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