Can you really be called a nail polish addict? If you recognize yourself in one or more of the points made in this article, then there is no doubt: the answer is yes.
Very few people have ever seen the natural color of your nails, it's simple: you hardly ever go out without at least a coat of varnish on your fingertips. To be honest, you don't really know when this addiction started … But one thing is certain: it is now well established! Your endless collection of nail polish is proof of that.
Since we know better than anyone that having your hands perfectly manicured all the time is far from an easy task, here we have listed eight things for you that only real nail polish addicts can understand. Small bonus: we also take the opportunity to give you some tips that will help you do better in the future. To your notes!
1 – Your manicure moment is sacred
Be careful, this is serious: we are not kidding with this instant weekly manicure, which for you is more like a real ritual. Concentration activated, artistic soul engaged, inspiration at its peak, that no one comes to disturb you! After you have scattered your material – like a surgeon with his panoply of medical instruments – you don't answer for anything (and we are absolutely not exaggerating).
Although the colors change, your gestures are assured, almost automatic: we file, we sand, we hydrate, we color, we admire … This does not prevent you from punctuating this ritual with two questions that will never stop to make you hesitate: the first, before starting: " good, do I cut my nails or not? ", The second, once all this is finished:" Is it really reasonable to post my manicure on Instagram again? »… Most nail polish addicts are subjected to this dilemma!
To make your beauty hand ritual faster, more efficient and more enjoyable, we recommend that you use a professional manicure kit.
The Mini Macaron Manicure Gel Kit
This kit allows you to achieve, at home, a semi-permanent manicure worthy of those performed in a beauty salon. You will find: an LED lamp with USB port and power adapter, a pot of semi-permanent varnish, a cuticle pusher, a mini file, ten patches removal, as well as instructions for use. In short: everything you will need and more.
2 – You cannot escape the blackout
At the same time, after so many years of painting your nails – on average every week – you have to be pretty inspired to never run out of ideas! Yet you are literally drowning in bottles of nail polish, so much so that no shade of color holds any secrets for you. The difference between a coral red and a salmon pink? It’s absolutely obvious to you! And, while there are certainly shades among them that you have never tried since they were purchased, when the blackout is there, it is there.
Most of the time you end up Scroll your Instagram feed and your paintings Pinterest in search of ideas – often in vain – before finally resigning yourself to turning to this great classic which sports your fingertips 90% of the time. And since you can never have enough classic shades in your collection, here are some polishes you can turn to when the pain of inspiration hits the tip of your nose again:
Essie nail polish, shade: Ballet Slippers (6)
Here is a color that could not be more classic, known elsewhere to be Queen Elisabeth II's favorite shade of nail polish! With her, you can't go wrong.
Yves Saint Laurent La Laque Couture Nail Polish, shade: Light Beige (22)
In addition to being worn with everything, this deep intensity nail polish has a formulation that is both protective and beautifying.
Le Vernis de Chanel, shade: Particular (505)
This refined varnish is less discreet than the previous ones, although just as classic. Be sure that it will respect the delicate nature of your nails.
3 – Either your varnish flakes off too quickly, or it comes off much too difficult
In fact: there is no middle ground! Sometimes, barely applied, your nail polish is already starting to flake off: a stubborn drink can, a prolonged washing-up session … sometimes you don't need more to see the fruit of your labor leave crumbled ! Worse, the better your polish will be flashy, the more the damage will be visible… Certain varnishes thus force us to pay attention to our slightest movements so as not to jeopardize our manicure for the umpteenth time.
But here it is, sometimes just the opposite happens! There are varnishes that are very difficult to remove and fans of glitter or semi-permanent products can only approve … In this case – even if we do not recommend it to you – it happens that the use of a solvent with acetone imposes itself on you.
Mylee's Acetone Remover – available from 9.98 euros on
Professional grade, this product removes all types of nail polish. We advise you to use it only when you are dealing with a really recalcitrant varnish and to prefer a solvent without acetone the rest of the time.
4 – Wait for your varnish to dry often proves to be interminable
Even once the application of your varnish is finished, you know from experience that you are not out of the woods … Indeed, we are never safe from an accident as long as our nails are not perfectly dry! Sometimes we even think we do, and then pulling on our shoes, or running our hands through our hair, we immediately regret not having waited longer. You will understand, if you want the most successful manicure, the key word is: patience! And if your phone rings when you apply your polish or just after, you'll just have to turn a deaf ear … At worst: speakerphone mode is your best friend.
While we are sure that these tips will help you a lot, we still recommend that you use a product that will allow your next manicure to dry faster.
Sally Hansen's Anti-Chip Insta-Dri Top Coat
This top coat promises to dry any polish in thirty seconds flat, leaving behind an ultra finish glossy.
5 – your nails tend to turn yellow
Lately – while removing your nail polish – you noticed that the color of your natural nails was to say the least… unusual. They even seemed yellowed to you! No, you have not dreamed, know that it is not uncommon with prolonged or excessive use of varnish, no wonder then, for you who claim to be addicted to varnish.
In order to remedy this problem – unsightly, but benign – we recommend that you first let your nails breathe for a few days. So, yes, we know that it is not in your habits and that you would gladly hide this yellowish color under a nice coat of your favorite varnish, but be sure that this break will do them the greatest good. In the future, remember that applying a protective primer to your nails before applying color (especially if it is dark), but also taking a break from time to time, you will help prevent yellowing of your fingertips.
SO'BIO étic Base & Top Coat Natural ’
Combining the power of nature and technical performance, this protective base enriched with organic castor oil magnifies the nail while strengthening and regenerating it.
6 – Your nail art sessions are not always a great success
Even with an artistic soul, achieving a nail art more or less elaborate can be (very) complex, so when you have two left hands … that's yet another story. However, it is not the accessories or the colors of varnish that you miss … Sometimes, even, the inspiration is very present, it is just your hands which do not follow: geometric lines, curved or straight lines, small patterns and sequins … Who said that the nail art was child's play? Not us in any case ! Fortunately, there are several ways to facilitate this task: detailed tutorials, adapted brushes, guide stickers … We keep discovering new features that put the nail art in the front of the scene !
Cam & Leone bimonthly Boxes – available from 35 euros on
Ideal for learning to do nail art modern and easy or for inspiration, these box very complete will be sent to you every two months.
7 – It’s not always fun
Sometimes your manicure is more like torture than a moment of well-being, and it is often the regrowth of your cuticles that is a problem … You know: those thin layers of skin that cover the birth of your nails and which it is better to get rid of if you want a nail polish clean and well groomed.
It is also recommended to always start your nail beauty ritual with this step, only here it is: it can be not only complicated, but also painful. In order to avoid making a remake of Black swan during each of your manicure sessions, we recommend that you invest in a quality cuticle pusher. Also, don't underestimate the importance of a good moisturizer for your hands, which you will need to use regularly. The latter will allow you – among other things – to soften your cuticles, making them easily malleable.
Garnier Oils Merveilleuses Ultra Soft Moisturizing Hand Cream
This new hydration recipe for dry hands, nails and cuticles combines two precious oils: nutritious argan oil and softening camellia oil.
8 – You have already finished stone after a prolonged manicure session
Between the scent of varnish and those of acetone, your manicure session never goes unnoticed. While your loved ones know exactly when and where your removal / installation took place, you have already found yourself in an almost daze at the end of your nail beauty ritual, carried out in a place obviously not ventilated enough. You may have tried to cover up the evidence, but again: to no avail. All you have to do is open the trash can and the smell of your used cottons sends a wave to your face! We do not teach you anything, breathing these vapors is not very good for your health … In order to limit the damage, we strongly recommend that you use as much as possible the most natural solvent possible.
Kure Bazaar Rose Hydrating Dissolving Water
Able to safely remove make-up from the nails, this product is gentle and 100% of natural origin. A true odorless care formula, it remains effective to say the least.
So, did you relate to one or more of these eight points? If the answer is Yes, in this case, we officially declare you addicted to nail polish!
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7 tips for using your nail polish differently