7 very simple tips to be happier

We are all obsessed with the quest for happiness. However, it often seems to escape us or pass under our noses. But rest assured, being happier can be learned!

Video by Laetitia Azi

We tend to say that happiness should knock on our door spontaneously. No! To be happy is a posture towards life, which, fortunately, works, provided you make the efforts for.

Smile more

It may sound silly, but smiling can activate certain muscles in the face, and thus send signals to our brain, which will put you in a better mood. So try to smile at someone, it will do you good and establish an immediate connection between you and the person chosen.

Plan your future outings

Just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean you don't have to think about it! A dinner in a restaurant that you wanted to test, a visit to a city or a museum in particular … Even if the confinement period can unfortunately still last, anticipating your next outings will put you in good condition for Several weeks.

Express gratitude

We don't think much about it, but happiness is not self-centered. Think about it when you have time: to whom do you owe your moments of happiness? To the composer of this song? To your considerate neighbor? You can try to write a letter to someone to express their gratitude, without having to send it. You can also keep a gratitude journal in which you write once a week. You will see, the effects are spectacular!

Be nice to someone

Let someone pass in the queue, call your grandmother … All these acts increase your happiness because they are concrete. You can also choose to focus on one person and think for a week about what you could do to make them happier. Also, stay open to others. Meeting can change a lot.

Eat healthy

Eating is good, but eating a balanced diet is even better! Confined to your home, you now have time to cook up healthy, delicious dishes that will do you the greatest good. Little advice: avoid red meats and quick sugars. Instead, prefer fruits, vegetables and fish dishes. And yes, what is good for your body is also good for your psyche!


A key word: disconnect! Indulge in an activity that makes you happy, and let yourself be carried away. Immerse yourself in a good book, cook a generous and comforting meal for your family … In this period of confinement, it's time to take time for yourself and think of nothing else! Perhaps that is ultimately the secret of happiness.

Calling a loved one

Rather than just chat via social media, take the time to call your loved ones. Better think of video calls! Today there are many applications that allow you to see them in real time. You will see, the happiness felt will be much greater. In fact, everything that brings you closer to reality is a source of happiness.

See also: 5 apps to keep morale and social bond during confinement

Video by Louise Lethiec