ABC success story – integration in the workplace is further promoted

The state of Carinthia supports 141 disabled employees. For this, 1.2 million euros are to be made available from the social department. The corona crisis has additionally increased the need to keep jobs

“It is one of the greatest successes for people with impaired self-esteem when they can gain a foothold in the workplace,” says social officer Beate Prettner. That is why the Province of Carinthia is particularly promoting this form of integration. For the ABC jobs, a funding application for 1.2 million euros from the social department is to be introduced in the next government meeting on Wednesday.

Higher funding amount
“With the integration into the labor market, with the assumption of tasks, the self-esteem and self-confidence increase not least. That is an aspect that is often priceless for individuals, ”Prettner is convinced. Compared to the previous year, there is a higher funding amount from funds from the social department of just under 350,000 euros in 2021. The increase is essentially due to the lower deduction of short-time working allowances.

Full utilization reached
The ABC company – located in the east of Klagenfurt – is active in the field of special machine construction and has been active in the textile sector since 2015. Just two years later, in 2017, the textile sector reached full capacity with 22 full-time equivalents (17 of them people with disabilities).

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