Recognize and treat erectile dysfunction


Many studies show that erectile dysfunction is a common and significant health problem in men. But: Almost every couple wants more spontaneity in the love life. With erectile problems this becomes impossible.

A futile erection trial does not necessarily mean impotence. Only when man over a period of half a year can no longer achieve joint stiffness and sexual intercourse is no longer possible, the doctor speaks of an erectile dysfunction. The causes include both physical and mental factors.

What is an erectile dysfunction?

A man’s penis reacts to sexual stimuli with an erection – he becomes stiff and thus enables sexual intercourse. In order to trigger an erection, nerves, muscles and blood supply have to work optimally in harmony. Only when the nerve and muscle-regulated cavities in the penis (cavernous body) can sufficiently fill with blood, a limb stiffness is achieved.

If this natural process is disturbed over a longer period of time, it is called an erectile dysfunction or even erectile dysfunction (ED). Separating this is an orgasm inability, so if an erection occurs during sexual stimulation, but the threshold for ejaculation can not be exceeded.

It is also considered an erectile dysfunction when the penis stiffened, but the hardness of the erection is not sufficient for penetration into the vagina (penetration) or if the erection loses hardness during intercourse and the achievement of orgasm is impossible.

What are the causes of erectile dysfunction?

In Germany, about every fifth man between the ages of 30 and 80 is affected by an erectile dysfunction. Based on the underlying causes, doctors distinguish between three main forms:

  • the physically (organically) induced erectile dysfunction ,
  • the mental erectile dysfunction as well
  • hybrid of physical and mental factors .

Erectile dysfunction is widespread and it is estimated that about 70 percent of those affected are affected by organic causes . Circulatory disorders, which also affect the penile cavernosum, often occur in old age – they are, for example, a late consequence of diabetes . Certain medications also have a not inconsiderable influence on the potency. Excessive consumption of alcohol and nicotine does not do any good either.

Erectile dysfunction at a young age

One in four men under the age of 40 has potency problems . Half of them even have particularly severe erectile dysfunction. In younger men, impotence often has psychological causes: Stress, pressure to perform – even in the sexual field – Fear of failure and tension affect the ability to erect.

Diagnosis: For erectile dysfunction to the doctor

Potency problems are often the first signs of serious illness, for example, diabetes. Therefore, potency problems should not be taken lightly. Even though the man may find the conversation unpleasant, a doctor’s visit should not be postponed too long . Contact for men with erectile dysfunction are family doctor, urologist or Andrologist, who specializes in men’s diseases.

The diagnosis pursues the goal of distinguishing possible organic from mental causes. These include a conversation about the current sexual experience as well as an in-depth physical examination, which investigates metabolic and circulatory disorders. In addition, there may be ultrasound examinations such as Doppler sonography of the penile arteries, which are responsible for the blood supply, or the penile veins, whose functioning is necessary for the maintenance of an erection. Often, the nerves involved in an erection must also be tested.

How to treat potential problems

The market for promising remedies and methods for erectile dysfunction is very large. Without medical advice, no man should act against his erectile dysfunction.

Depending on the cause, different ways of treating erectile dysfunction are followed. The drug of choice today is drug therapy. Sildenafil was the first active ingredient used in the “blue pill” Viagra and counterfeit products, which has become synonymous with potency remedies. In recent years, related drugs and drugs for erectile dysfunction have been developed, which have an even more specific effect on the erectile tissue in the penis.

For detailed information on how to treat potency problems, read here.

Medications containing the active ingredients sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil are most effective when

  • there is no complete erectile dysfunction,
  • erectile dysfunction is mental and not organic,
  • the disturbed blood circulation of the penile erectile tissue is based more on an arterial than venous disorder,
  • the nerves and blood vessels are only slightly damaged.

Long-standing diabetics and men who have damaged important nerve connections after a prostate operation can generally not be helped with these active substances.

As a medically effective in erectile dysfunction before the introduction of potency-enhancing drugs vascular dilating substances, which are injected directly into the erectile tissue of the penis. These auto injections help quickly, but in some cases have led to ongoing erections. More dangerous, however, is to create an erection with a vacuum pump. However, spraying and pumping are not exactly among the romantic love accessories and quickly turn out to be an obstacle to undisturbed foreplay.

Are there home remedies for erectile dysfunction?

It is quite possible for men to deal with mild erectile dysfunction, which is clearly not based on an organic cause, with home remedies. Above all, natural remedies that stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs are worth a try.

On the list of possible home remedies for erectile dysfunction are, for example, garlic, ginseng root, ginger and extracts of gingko tree. Even homeopathy knows active substances that are used in sexual problems in men . However, one should let the fingers advertised miraculously on the Internet. These contain ingredients of dubious origin, do not bring back the strength of man and make it easier for the purse of the customer.

Under certain conditions, special forms of pelvic floor exercises can lead to success.

If the erectile dysfunction is mental, a sex counselor or therapist can help to bring up the problem so the penis can straighten up. An important counseling goal is to make sexuality more relaxed. Quite a few men are under pressure in terms of the frequency of intercourse and their endurance.

If a man is still able to satisfy himself, or if he has erections outside of his partner sexuality, then there are mostly emotional causes. If there are occasional weak erections in phases of life with increased stress, heavy exercise or under the influence of alcohol, this is usually not an erectile dysfunction requiring treatment. In these cases, a noticeable relief of everyday life often already leads to success. In most cases, it is possible to restore normal sexuality.

Can man prevent impotence?

Anything that helps the body’s general circulation also benefits the erection and prevents impotence . Conversely, everything that damages the blood circulation of the body promotes erectile dysfunction: excessive nicotine and alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, overweight and high blood pressure , arteriosclerosis and especially metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus.

A balanced diet, plenty of exercise in the fresh air, no excessive sexual pressure and trust and openness in the partnership are therefore the most effective preventive measures.