Parliament votes to extend bereavement leave

/ Mom / Child / Leave for bereavement of a child: parliament votes unanimously to extend it to 15 days

On Tuesday, May 26, the parliament definitively adopted the bill which plans to extend the bereavement leave for a child from five to fifteen days.

The subject had been debated for several months. On Tuesday May 26, Parliament finally gave the green light to extend bereavement leave after the death of a child. MEPs have in fact adopted the text which plans to increase this leave to fifteen working days, rather than five currently. A unanimous vote in the National Assembly, where the atmosphere was tinged with emotion "with a few tears", reports the Parisian with AFP.

The decision to extend the bereavement leave had sparked controversy in early January after LREM MPs refused to carry it for five to twelve days. The rejection of this UDI-Agir proposal had caused an uproar, so much so that Emmanuel Macron had to intervene. The president then asked them to "show humanity." "

The death of a child is "an unparalleled tragedy" and we must support families "as best as possible", even if "it will never be the size of the drama that is experienced", said Minister of Labor Muriel Pénicaud . A subject that takes on "a new resonance" in this context of the epidemic, she added.

An extension and aids

The text, already unanimously adopted by the Senate at the beginning of March, increases from five to seven days the leave currently provided for by the Labor Code, and creates a "bereavement leave" of eight additional days which can be divided, partly covered by Social Security. This leave is extended to the self-employed and public officials.

Still according to the Parisian, a lump sum allowance will also be paid to families in the event of the death of a dependent child. In addition, they may continue to receive certain family benefits for a period of time, to avoid a "chop effect". The bereaved parent will also benefit from increased protection against dismissal.

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