Maddie McCann Disappearance: German Investigators Claim Evidence Of Her Death: Current Woman Le MAG

In 2007, little Maddie McCann disappeared without a trace while she was on vacation in Portugal with her parents. Almost 13 years after the events, the child was never found. After many twists and turns, German police reopened the case in 2017. Following extensive research, investigators revealed on Tuesday June 17 that they had evidence of the death of Madeleine Beth McCann. "These are concrete evidence or facts that we have, and not mere indications", A spokesperson for the Brunswick public prosecutor's office in Germany told Agence France-Presse (AFP). It is not, however, "forensic evidence (such as the girl's body)". German authorities have written to the girl's parents to keep them informed of the progress of the investigation.

A suspected man

In this case, a suspect was identified by the name of Christian B., 43, a repeat child pedophile currently detained in Kiel, in the north of Germany in another case. At the time, he lived a few kilometers from the hotel where the little girl had disappeared. "I cannot, for the moment, reveal to you the exact information which we have which indicates that our suspect killed Madeleine", said the spokesperson. The main suspect is suspected of the murder of the little girl. According to German media, the investigators found children's swimsuits in a suspect's motorhome. They also allegedly discovered USB keys containing thousands of pedophile images, some of which depict the suspect.

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