Invigorating exercises, energizing meals: my complete program to get back in shape in one day: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

There is no secret, it is by repeating the same gestures on a daily basis that they will eventually become automatic and become essential rituals. The key to self motivation? Pleasure. The more you listen to your body and its needs, the better you will feel, and the easier it will be for you to suggest healthy lifestyle habits. Discover the advice of Dr Frédéric Saldmann, cardiologist and nutritionist, and Marie Gabrielle Domizi, dietitian and nutritionist, co-author of “Healthy morning routines“ and Healthy evening routines (Youth).

Regain energy, get rid of stress, sleep better … How to change your (bad) habits?

"The best is the enemy of good !"

"No need to want to review all your habits overnight, it would be counterproductive! Tackle the fundamentals. Know that it takes brain between three and six weeks to adopt a new behavior. Don't try to chase your bad habits, rather seek to collect the good ones which raise your level ofenergy… And put you in a virtuous circle. ", explains Stéphane Tétart, author of Initiation to naturopathy step by step from sunrise to bedtime (Editions Leduc.s)

8h: I wake up gently … for good!

The express jump from the bed attacks the body which needs to re-mobilize all of its muscles and joints. Without "hanging around" in bed, we take the time to welcome this new day.

My morning wellness routine
Before putting a foot on the ground, stretch: arms above the head, grow, then group the knees against the chest and swing them on each side.

Still fasting, scratch your tongue with a scraper to cleanse the toxins of the night: a very refreshing Ayurvedic ritual! Then drink a full glass of warm water to wake up the digestive system.

For breakfast, opt for Miam-Ô-Fruit from France Guillain, which prevents cravings and optimizes the functioning of the thyroid (at the origin of hormonal regulation).

On the menu :

Do you have 2 more minutes?
Choose the motivating statement for your day: "I intend to do my best", "I'm in a pleasant mood for my loved ones"… Repeat it in front of your mirror, to influence your subconscious.

10 a.m .: I get active and kick up

Your cognitive activity peak is at its highest, it's the perfect time to make decisions, read, answer your emails …

My wellness routine to wake up the body
Doing 30 minutes of sport a day not only helps you stay fit, but also increases your positive emotion score by 30% by releasing dopamine and testosterone (the action and motivation hormones). Choose a "fun" activity: brisk walking or slow running, cycling, swimming … Finish with a Scottish shower (alternating hot and cold water jets, from the feet to the heart, to activate blood circulation). Finally, treat yourself to a snack: a handful of nuts and dried soft fruits, tea, preferably black.

Do you have 2 more minutes?
Practice the breath of "Ha" which stimulates the mental faculties and clears the mind. Standing, elbows bent and brought back, fists closed with tone, palms facing up, push a powerful "Ha" sound by stretching the arms forward with energy, the fingers pointed in front. Come back, inhaling energetically through your nose. Then start again!

1 p.m .: I pamper my lunch break

To regain strength, it is important to eat calmly. Chewing slowly is the secret to good digestion … and your line. Every bite must be savored … to make you salivate!

My wellness routine for lunch
Are you getting hungry? Try to wait another 20 minutes for a detox and youthful cure. However, be careful not to arrive at the hungry table: if necessary, enjoy a fresh fruit.

The right equation? Your lunch meal should be 2 times less plentiful than at breakfast but 2 times more than at dinner.

  • Do not skip the starter (raw vegetables or gazpacho).
  • Be generous with vegetables, not to mention proteins, whose essential amino acids provide satiety and are good for morale.
  • Finish with two squares of 75% dark chocolate with your coffee, and go for a nap. The caffeine will work after 20 min and you will wake up naturally, full of energy.

Do you have 2 more minutes?
Choose a music that you like and listen to it voluntarily and consciously (not in the background). Music is an excellent stimulant for the brain: it regenerates neurons and makes new connections appear between the cells already present.

5 p.m .: I decompress at the end of the day!

This is the right time to start decelerating: the quality of sleep is prepared beforehand. To be avoided: alcohol, energy drinks, intensive sport, fruits full of vitamin C, arguments or worries, which will wait until the next day.

My wellness routine to unwind
Get into the habit of tasting … light:

  • a banana
  • a handful of organic almonds or hazelnuts
  • an "anti-cravings" herbal tea (2 tablespoons of St. John's wort + a tablespoon of licorice + a tablespoon of orange blossom hydrosol).

Immerse yourself in a bath at 38 ° C, add a few drops of essential lavender oil diluted in sweet almond oil. Take advantage of this calm time to massage your temples and eye sockets, tap the whole skull with your fingertips, relax your cervical muscles, tilting your head forward slightly and gently tucking your chin towards the chest .

Do you have 2 more minutes?
Anticipate the next day by looking at your calendar, preparing your things, drawing up a written list of tasks to be done in order to free your mind for the evening.

7 p.m .: I have a peaceful evening to optimize my sleep

Do not clutter your stomach before bed: eating sends blood and heat to your organs and signals the body to stay awake! To do well, you should have dinner before 8 p.m.

My wellness routine for sleeping well
To prevent cravings at 10 p.m., opt for a vegetarian-style meal, based on cereals and legumes, with homemade soup, and possibly a small source of protein (fish, egg or cheese), excluding red meat, energizing . For dessert, a banana or a few cashews, and an infusion of chamomile, which stimulates digestion, or linden, for its sedative properties.

After your time in the bathroom, allow yourself a time of relaxation, where you will do absolutely nothing, except let your mind float.

In bed, immerse yourself in a good novel, until your eyes "sting". Perform two or three forced yawns, become aware of the fatigue that sets in, a slight feeling of cold. Let's go for a minimum of 7.15 hours of sleep!

Do you have two more minutes?
Give yourself a hearing meditation session by listening to very captivating ASMR sounds: whispers, mouth sounds, soap cutting, brushing of hair … They trigger the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin or endorphin, favorable for falling asleep. They can be found in free access, on Youtube.

Read also :

⋙ Overwork, lack of energy: my tailor-made anti-stress program

⋙ 8 express and effective exercises to keep fit

⋙ Energizing cocktail, muscular awakening: 4 pro tips to get in shape in the morning