ask your questions to our special correspondents in a live video on TikTok and YouTube

For five days, information has followed one another at dizzying speed. Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade neighboring Ukraine has thrown Europe into a storm, reigniting fears that were thought to be confined to the Cold War era decades ago. If we are living through historical events, it is difficult to grasp their full extent.

The world invites you to take stock, the time of a live video on our TikTok account and on Youtube. Where we are ? What strategies are at work? What does Russia’s invocation of the nuclear arsenal mean? Can Kiev resist? How far can Vladimir Putin go? How do you experience this situation when you live in Kiev or Mariupol?

To enlighten you in this uncertain time, The world mobilizes the specialists of its drafting. Starting with its two special envoys on the spot:

  • Remy Ourdanin Kyiv;
  • Emmanuel Grynszpanin southern Ukraine.

By telephone, they will be able to tell you as closely as possible what the Ukrainians are going through in this tragic period. You will also find:

  • Sylvie Kauffmancolumnist, specialist in international relations.

From Paris, she will answer all the historical or geopolitical questions you ask us.

See you this Monday February 28, at 7 p.m.on our TikTok account and on Youtube.

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