Drunk, he tries to boot Windows XP on a 1 MHz Pentium CPU

Stephane Ficca

Hardware & gaming specialist

May 02, 2022 at 11:12 a.m.


Windows XP logo

You probably never wondered if Windows XP was able to launch on a processor Pentium 1 MHz, and yet…

NTDev, which specializes in trying the impossible, wanted to unravel this mystery.

Windows XP on a 1 MHz Pentium… because why not!

A little over 20 years ago, Microsoft launched its brand new Windows, namely Windows XP. A major operating system, which then required a computer with a CPU clocked at (at least) 233 MHz to launch properly. NTDev wanted to install this same Windows XP on a computer with a processor from the 70s.

Obviously, trying to run Windows XP on such a CPU requires courage… and patience. Indeed, while some computers today manage to launch Windows 10 or 11 in a few seconds, it takes no less than three hours to allow Windows XP to launch here. A painful launch, which ends with a good old ” blue screen of death when exiting the application.

Does such a project have real technical value? Certainly not, but the fact remains that managing to launch Windows XP on a processor 233 times slower than that recommended at the time remains a small feat. As NTDev points out, this little experiment has no other objective than to satisfy ” the insatiable curiosity of humanity “. Now you know.

Source : Neowin

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