Child doesn't sleep? Quirky Tricks Parents Can Do During The Day

The child doesn't sleep? No need to despair. Rather, parents can do something about their children's sleep disorders during the day! And sometimes the bizarre things help …

Tired during the day, awake in the evening: we know this phenomenon as adults. It becomes even more energy-consuming if the child does not want to sleep.

Because as much as parents look forward to a well-deserved bed, some children detest it. After all, they want to conquer the world, build toy towers or jet through the apartment as a rocket. All we want is sleep How do we bring these two needs together? Sleep therapist Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan revealed in an interview with the "Daily Mail".

Incidentally, it is currently not uncommon for children to have sleep disorders. After all, the last few months have been quite a lot for their little heads – a roller coaster with a ban on games, quarantine, people wearing masks and reintegration in daycare and school hardly goes by without a trace. Understandable. But how can we parents ensure that children fall into bed tired and satisfied in the evenings? The sleep therapist advises that we incorporate a few bizarre things into everyday life.

Child doesn't sleep? 5 tips how parents can prevent during the day

Start the day with honey toast

You can influence the child's good sleep in the evening in the morning: for example, with a honey and peanut butter sandwich. The background behind this is not just the sweet food that attracts even those who don't like breakfast, but above all the structure that a day gives with a solid meal in the morning. This helps children find their way back to everyday life in the pandemic.

Don't forget to pour

A child needs care and attention … just like a plant. What sounds absurd should actually work, according to the sleep therapist: Put your child in the garden, let them run across the lawn and pour their feet over them. How so? Quite simply because it literally grounds it. "You might get some strange looks from your neighbors, but it's a great way to wash off the day and the exhaustion," explains Dr. Nerina in the Daily Mail.

Bring the garden right into your home

If you don't have a garden – or don't want to water your child every day – you can simply bring nature in. Wallpaper or posters with forests, waterfalls and jungle images on them are best for this. The green nature is said to have a calming effect on the child during the day, who in turn sleeps better at night.

Take in fish as family members

Speaking of nature: We're not sure whether the child isn't sleeping with this tip, but sitting in front of the aquarium, but now then. The therapist advises a small fish family: "Children often find it calming to just sit there, fascinated by something that is decoupled from their own life," she explains.

By the way, an aquarium should have a relaxing effect on the whole family – so you just doze off together in front of it.

Hot chocolate ritual in the evening

Anyone who wakes up with a honey toast and is brought to bed with a hot chocolate can only look forward to the night, right ?! At least that's how we feel. It can also be hot milk with honey; the ritual is also more important for the last meal of the day. The warm milk also ensures that children become sleepy and relaxed. Warning: the drink should be served at least one hour before bedtime. Makes you tired and happy!