Laury Thilleman and Juan Arbelaez childless: pressure that enraged the miss

They were one of the most glamorous couples in the celebrity sphere. This Tuesday, May 17, Laury Thilleman and Juan Arbelaez, however, took everyone by surprise by announcing their breakup on their respective Instagram accounts. “After 7 years of intense happiness and a mile-per-hour life together, Juan and I decided together to continue our journeys separately. The tenderness, benevolence, gratitude and mutual respect that we share remains and will remain intact. (…) Juan has brightened up my life with a thousand colors and will always have a special place in my heart.“, wrote the former Miss France. After two years of marriage, the lovebirds have decided to put an end to it, to the great surprise of their admirers.

Subscribers precisely dreamed of only one thing: to see Laury Thilleman and Juan Arbelaez become parents. Except that these desires, far too often expressed on social networks, ended up seriously annoying the 30-year-old Breton. In particular, she had sent a journalist from TV Star who had broached the question with her:If I don’t have children yet, it’s for a reason that belongs to me and I won’t tell you..”

This pressure concerning the arrival of a baby for a young couple, Laury Thilleman had more and more difficulty in managing it. In his podcast How do you do ? unveiled last November, it made particular reference to the slightest suspicions that some unusual shapes could cause among Internet users: “It’s July 2. I post a banal photo of a girlfriend and I, going out on the beach, to celebrate the start of the holidays. And there is the drama: a flood of comments, congratulations and articles announcing my pregnancy descend on the web.

If founding a family with Juan was obviously not excluded, Laury Thilleman conceded that the intrusive aspect of some had made her angry: “For the first time in my life, I feel dispossessed of my body, my ovaries, my periods, my own cycle. Of my life in fact! (…) As if I couldn’t take 2 kilos, quiet, during my vacation. Seriously, when are we going to be off the hook with this? We are congratulated when we lose weight and we are announced our own pregnancy when we gain fat.” After the shock announcement made today, Laury Thilleman should be a little calmer …

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